Tasmanian Synod ‘No’ to Euthanasia

The Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania meeting in Launceston on 4 June 2011,

  1. affirms that all human life is made in the image of God and precious in his sight
  2. affirms that a just society will seek to protect the weak and vulnerable.
  3. affirms its opposition to voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  4. calls on the Premier and Prime Minister to oppose any initiative to legislate for voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide
  5. calls on State and Federal Governments to provide adequate funding for palliative care services across Tasmania.
  6. calls on all Tasmanian Anglicans to raise these issues with their local members of Parliament.
  7. requests the Bishop to make the substance of this resolution known to the relevant parties.
A panel including a medical doctor, an experienced pastoral priest and former theological lecturer and myself were ably convened by the Dean of Hobart in sharing perspectives on euthanasia / physician assisted killing and also took questions from synod members. I found this to be a valuable time of learning and reflection. The above motion was then presented by the Dean and passed by the Synod.

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