Paul’s ‘Mad Max’ chapter and Stephen’s leadership gem

The Director of Ministry led us on a ‘Mad Max’ apocalyptic scenario – “The world is collapsing, what chapter of the Bible would you take?” – the goodly Director claimed this question was to help focus our minds, on the Bible and our Faith!

Paul had chosen his ‘Mad Max’ scenario’s Bible chapter and he led us in a deep time of reflection and sharing through Luke 10: Jesus at the centre, mission in His heart, ‘peace to this house’, the challenges and choices of missionary discipleship, the cosmic consequences of our lives, the joy the Holy Spirit brings to Christ, the priority of love of God and neighbour, ‘am I willing to be neighbour, even to the unlovely?’, discipleship is both practical/praxis/servant/doing in acts of mercy and justice, and pietistic in taking time to be with Jesus. The Good Samaritan story and the Mary and Martha conversation with Jesus are in the same chapter of the Bible! – Piety and Practice belong together. And much more. Thanks to Paul and clergy.

A leadership gem from the Rector of Edge Anglican Claremont, learnt from his boss in a previous ‘non-clergy’ life re tackling tough tasks and the skills needed to accomplish them:

“The person who never made a mistake never did anything. The mark of a tradesman is not how many mistakes you make, but how you get yourself out of them.”

Inspiring thoughts from conversation in the Derwent Mission Network.


Paul’s ‘Mad Max’ chapter and Stephen’s leadership gem — 1 Comment

  1. To connect recent Asyluum seekers to the visible praxis of doing acts of mercy and justice seems appropriate here. We live in a vastly different world from the Howard era when pulling up the drawbridge was actively encouraged among those who held Christian values; especially those ‘who didn’t look, speak or think like us’ …and back then it seemed like the ultimate challenge for many Australians, causing so much anxiety for those who seek to love …the unlovable…
    In a very short time, world has changed dramatically. Many people face dramatic lifestyle challenges today and are more able to empathise with Asyluum seekers but, are are we able to see beyond the images of what looks like illegal invasion as we struggle with the issue? Can we fiercely love and welcome refugees in God’s name and in the doing glimpse the face of jesus in the stranger on a sinking tub?

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