Atheists & ‘competence extrapolation’

John Dickson pleads for an informed atheism. He comments on the tendency of atheist commentators in their critique of the Christian faith to stray well beyond their areas of expertise: in Dickson’s apt words “competence extrapolation“.

He notes these concerns in addressing arguments put against the teaching of religios education in state schools:

Tamas Pataki, a trained philosopher and well-known figure on the atheist circuit, recently put up four arguments against state schools offering Special Religious Education (SRE). It leads to divisiveness, strengthens group identity (a bad thing because of the first), is factually untrue and, unlike Graeco-Roman wisdom, argues from parable and dogma instead of by reasoning. Pataki is wrong on all four counts.

This is an article to read and ponder when you have a cuppa and 30 minutes (well for me, anyway!).

Article on yesterday’s ABC Online Religion and Ethics, Pitting historical facts against atheist schoolyard delusions.

Pray 4 Egypt’s peace

The good news of the support of members of Egypt’s Muslim community at the reopening of a burnt church building.

The bad news of lack of action by the Government in addressing Muslim resentment towards the Christian community.

Pray that the interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf who has signalled renewed efforts to calm religious tensions will in fact implement practical policies to address laws against the building of new churches and to provide avenues of proper legal redress which are effectively closed to Copts.

Read the article, Revolution brings new fears for Copts.

‘Death in Prime Time’

The Australian media has a long established protocol which suppresses the reporting of suicide. The rationale is to limit so called ‘copy cat’ suicides by vulnerable people. From a Christian perspective this resonates with our ethic of safeguarding the members of our community who are at risk for whatever reason.

Recently this protocol has come under question due to increased community concern to address depression and suicide. The aim of reporting suicides in our community would be to hopefully reduce suicide by raising awareness and support for depressed people. My observation, however, is that the protocol is still in place.

The decision by the BBC to broadcast the assisted suicide of a prominent hotelier along with the accompanying advocacy of prominent author Terry Pratchett promoting euthanasia/ medical killing / assisted suicide, takes the reporting of suicide to another dangerous level. It is one thing is to consider reporting suicides in order to engender healthy conversation and support of people at risk. It is another altogether to document someone committing suicide with someone else promoting it. This is not just a bad idea, it is deadly practice!

The term mental health professionals use to describe this ‘copy cat’ suicide syndrome is -“suicide ideation; the broadcast images creating in impressionable minds thoughts about death and dying to the point where a person is drawn to act upon such thoughts”.

Paul Russell’s insightful and worrying analysis, Death in Prime Time,

Award winning British author, Terry Pratchett’s macabre fascination with death will soon bring the assisted suicide of hotelier, Peter Smedley in the Swiss Dignitas facility into living rooms across the UK on BBC 2.

Make no mistake; the broadcast of this so-called documentary will put lives at risk. Every mental health professional knows it as do, for the most part, every editor in the broadcast media. It’s called suicide ideation; the broadcast images creating in impressionable minds thoughts about death and dying to the point where a person is drawn to act upon such thoughts.

The World Health Organisation says, ‘there is strong support for the contention that media reporting of suicide can lead to imitative behaviours, as evidenced by statistically significant increases in completed and attempted suicide rates. These increases cannot be explained by suicides that might have occurred anyway being ‘brought forward’, because they are not followed by commensurate decreases in rates.’ WHO concludes that, ‘Photographs or video footage of the scene of a given suicide should not be used, particularly if doing so makes the location or method clear to the reader or viewer. In addition, pictures of an individual who has died by suicide should not be used.’

We should not be drawn to thinking that the neither the BBC nor Pratchett himself are simply ignorant of this reality. One rather expects that they have simply determined that the ends they seek are justified and that the risk itself is of a lesser concern. This is at best callous indifference to harm.

One imagines that the documentary will carry the usual viewer warnings and possibly even the usual publicising of a suicide helpline in the closing credits, but that hardly absolves the national broadcaster or Pratchett from culpability.

It occurs to me that there’s an interesting parallel here between the actions of Pratchett and the BBC and those who push a legislative agenda to the same end. Ultimately they are both prioritizing their agendas ahead of the risks. The broadcaster’s viewer warnings are akin to the so-called ‘safeguards’ within the legislative framework: they give the appearance of ‘doing-the-right-thing’ but, in reality, protect no-one.

Read the full article, Death in Prime Time.  Also  Mental illness and euthanasia? and  Ethical Social Policy? Euthanasia and People at the Margins of Society, with Particular Attention to People with Disabilities.

Pentecost Spirit: ‘Church Together’

Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate, 50 days (including Easter Sunday) after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, Mary the mother of Jesus and other disciples of Christ in Jerusalem (Acts 2).

For this reason, Pentecost Sunday is often referred to as “The Birthday of the Church”.

On Pentecost Sunday we wear lots of red symbolising the tongues of fire that appeared over the disciples.

We remember that it is by work of the Holy Spirit that people come to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:8) and hence into his Body, the Church.

Recently in Southern Tasmania we had a marvellous celebration of all Christians being one in Christ and in his Body, the Church universal. It was called ‘Church Together 2011 – For the Cause‘ and was held at the Derwent Entertainment Centre in Hobart.

Below, you will find a letter of thanks from  Pastor Dave Morse, the Convenor of ‘Church Together 2011 – For the Cause (of Christ)’. It is very encouraging.

At a supper following our celebration we took the opportunity to thank Dave and the Executive Committee for their ministry.

Pentecost Sunday reminds us of the Holy Spirit: the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the eternal reality of the unity of all Christian people in Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Join in the Pentecost spirit of the Holy Spirit, this Pentecost Sunday as Christians enjoy a marvellous celebration wearing their red gear and giving thanks to God for his grace and generosity in sending the Holy Spirit.

Letter of Thanks from the Convenor of ‘Church Together 2011 – For the Cause’:

Subject: Thank you

Dear John,

Church Together 2011 – For the Cause.

What an incredible night we had last Sunday night. We saw over 1,500 people from across Southern Tasmania gather together on Sunday 29th May for the cause of Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for your partnership and for being a part of this inspiring night and encouraging your people to join together as the Church of Southern Tasmania.

The combined Church’s Worship Team inspired us as they lead us beautifully in worship of our great God.

Our special guest Allan Meyer gave us a truly amazing presentation of the gospel with God isn’t the ‘big judge’ but that He is and wants even more to be our Father .

God is doing something significant in the Church of Tasmania, as I’ve talked to Church leaders this week, the’ve shared how encouraged they are as a result of Church Together and by the expectation they feel about the future.

Many people responded to the message, and others expressed a desire to re-connect with God and the church in a fresh way.

If you or your church would like to order CD’s and DVD’s of the message please call the Church Together office on 6244 6336 or click this link to down load the form.

We were able to announce that through the generosity of our Partner Churches and Sponsors, we were able to reach budget before the event allowing us to take up an offering of over $7,000. This was given directly toward a fantastic community project at Rokeby High School.

Yours for the cause,

Dave Morse

On behalf of the Church Together Executive, Church Together 2011

*Last Year on Pentecost Sunday I launched my 9 week Prayer Pilgrimage 2010 ‘people @ prayer’ around Tasmania. What a fantastic privilege it was to spend time in prayer with Christians of all denominations from all around Tasmania! See Pilgrimage launch and the Pilgrimage Prayer, A Prayer for Pentecost.

Australia’s export economy: euthanasia, the elderly, children, cows

During Synod a productive panel discussion including questions from synod members dealt with euthanasia / medical killing. Synod then formally said, ‘No’ to euthanasia. See, here.

The ABC followed up this panel discussion with an interview and the Radio news highlighted my concern regarding the impossibility of legislating for effective safeguards around euthanasia / medical killing. See ABC Radio News’ report, Church head’s euthanasia warning.

My concern is supported by yesterday’s report on ABC’s Lateline, Family members most likely to abuse elderly: Lifeline. This is a very worrying issue for our society.

Lifeline says older Australians are more likely to be abused by family members than by staff in aged care homes.

The community organisation has launched a study into the abuse of people aged over 65 to help improve support and protection services.

Spokeswoman Maya Zetlin says existing research shows psychological abuse is the most common form suffered by older Australians.

“Most abuse happens in the community and unfortunately mainly by family members,” she said.

“And the worst part [is] that … adult sons and daughters are the main abusers.

“The way older people are treated, spoken to, power taken away from them, threats are made to them … that type of abuse is very hard to identify,” she said.

“And there are a lot of people that don’t recognise that they’re abused or even that they’re abusing.”

Tragically the red lights attempting to stop euthanasia / medical killing legislation are being ignored. Elder abuse and euthanasia do not occupy separate worlds.

The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania says it is impossible to legislate protection for people against euthanasia if it is legalised.

The issue is being discussed among almost 200 Anglicans at the annual synod meeting being held in Launceston.

The Premier Lara Giddings announced last June she is working with the Greens leader Nick McKim to prepare a private members bill to legalise euthanasia.

Bishop John Harrower says there is documented abuse of elderly people in countries that have legalised it.

“The Dutch health minister that called and introduced euthanasia to the Netherlands in fact has come out publicly saying some years later now and said that it was a terrible mistake and she should never have introduced that.”

“And that’s because there are so many people now in Holland who are being euthanised without approval,” Bishop Harrower said.

From ABC News 4 June 2011.

The consequence of our country combining the tragedy of elder abuse by family members with the travesty of euthanasia is literally a matter of life and death.

Regarding the export of childrenwho’ve come across the seas” seeking asylum, the Chairman of the Anglican Church’s Migrants and Refugees Network, Archbishop Jeffrey Driver, said that there was “no way” sending any asylum seeker children to Malaysia was in their best interests.

“There are very real reasons to believe that these children will be at risk in these camps. As Australians, do we want that responsibility on our hands?”

“Most of these children have already fled trauma. As Guardian of these children, and as a signatory to the UNHCR convention, the Minister cannot abrogate his responsibilities and send any children to suffer the risk of further persecution and possible trauma.

“If the Government is really serious about stopping the boat people why does the Minister not start processing refugee cases properly and fairly in countries of first asylum such as Pakistan, Iran and Syria.

“Of course, we do not condone people smugglers and the huge profits they make trafficking vulnerable people but why are we punishing the victims instead of the perpetrators?”

But few people seem to care. Is it because elder abuse is so wide spread that Australians don’t want to highlight it? Is it easier to condemn the maltreatment of exported cows than the abuse of the elderly at home and the export of children from our shores to a caning culture?  What are we becoming?What are we exporting?  God have mercy on Australia.

I’m finding it harder to sing, let alone ‘in joyful strains’,

For those who’ve come across the seas
We’ve boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

Our National Anthem holds great meaning, encouragement and challenge.

“In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair”. – Will our nation be know for its “fairness”?

“To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands”? – Australia will be “renowned”. The issue is; renowned for what? Let’s not be renowned for the ‘export’ of the elderly, children and cows.

Before we sing Advance Australia Fair we need to be fair and to live up to the words sung. Life is not about words without life but rather words fully lived.

See, Euthanasia and elder abuse and  Elder abuse: a fraction reported and  Euthanasia a mistake: Dutch Minister.

Tasmanian Synod ‘No’ to Euthanasia

The Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania meeting in Launceston on 4 June 2011,

  1. affirms that all human life is made in the image of God and precious in his sight
  2. affirms that a just society will seek to protect the weak and vulnerable.
  3. affirms its opposition to voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  4. calls on the Premier and Prime Minister to oppose any initiative to legislate for voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide
  5. calls on State and Federal Governments to provide adequate funding for palliative care services across Tasmania.
  6. calls on all Tasmanian Anglicans to raise these issues with their local members of Parliament.
  7. requests the Bishop to make the substance of this resolution known to the relevant parties.
A panel including a medical doctor, an experienced pastoral priest and former theological lecturer and myself were ably convened by the Dean of Hobart in sharing perspectives on euthanasia / physician assisted killing and also took questions from synod members. I found this to be a valuable time of learning and reflection. The above motion was then presented by the Dean and passed by the Synod.

‘Passionate Spirituality’ – Synod 2011 Address

Some excerpts to indicate the development of the theme, Passionate Spirituality.
Presidential Address – Synod 2011 – Passionate Spirituality


Are you passionate about Synod? What about your church? What about your own walk with God?
According to our Natural Church Development surveys the area in which the Anglican Church in Tasmania is habitually weak is Passionate Spirituality.
For the Church to grow in health and vitality as well as numbers, we must grow in passionate spirituality.
According to our Natural Church Development surveys the area in which the Anglican Church in Tasmania is habitually weak is Passionate Spirituality.
For the Church to grow in health and vitality as well as numbers, we must grow in passionate spirituality.
Natural Church Development defines passionate spirituality as the energy source that fuels every church, providing the energy and momentum to move forward toward mission. … (Passionate spirituality) continues reproducing itself when we tap into the source and stay connected to it.
Passionate spirituality goes beyond our personal devotional times to our encounters with God in moments of daily life, and the various ways we experience and engage with his presence. The outpouring of passionate spirituality is an integration of our inner life with God into every aspect of our outward lives as well, resulting in stories of changed lives and transformation.
Our passion for God is founded in God. God is the creator, sustainer and end of our life.
In God lies the source of our passion for him and his world.
The Letter to the Hebrews is described as an exhortation (13:22), it is a call to live out the faith, to run the race before us (12:1-3).
What is the source of this exhortation?
Is it not God? Our “God (who) is a consuming fire”; who has a passion for purity, for holiness? (12:29)
In bringing the first twelve chapters to a close the Writer of Hebrews highlights the person of God,
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” (12:28,29)
Thankfulness and awe before ‘our “God (who) is a consuming fire”’ are the source of Chapter 13’s call to a passionate spirituality, to dedicated discipleship.
Our passion for God is founded in God. God is the initiator of our relationship.
Note also that the word translated worship in 12:28 (TNIV and NRSV) holds both worship and service in its meaning. Thus in the Amplified Bible,
Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe; For our God [is indeed] a consuming fire.
Knowledge of God’s character leads to ‘pleasing service and acceptable worship’.
Our passion for God is founded in God.
Consider our Anglican heritage. Where is our passion for God?
What aspect of God’s character inspires our passionate spirituality?
What does the Book of Common Prayer tell us?
What does Passionate Spirituality look like in practice?
The writer to the Hebrews leaves the readers in no doubt!
Disciples of Christ are to live lives that befit their calling as sons and daughters of the living God.
If you have your Bibles with you please open them to Hebrews chapter 13.
Our challenge is to deepen our passion, our commitment, our dedication to Christlike living.
Our passion for God is founded in God. God is the initiator of our relationship.
Passions fuel life. Our passions are shown in word and deed.
Holy Spirit,
deepen our knowledge and experience of God;
fuel our passion to live for God; and
build a healthy church transforming life .
And the blessing from Hebrews: (13:20,21)
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Complete Synod Address, Passionate Spirituality.

Synod “Thank you” to Russell Morton

Followers of Christ are called to give thanks to God and to one another and to be encouragers. A most significant “Thank you ” took place in this week’s Synod. Herein a fine illustration of giving thanks:

A speech at the 101st Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania by Anne Brown to second a motion proposed by the Bishop of Tasmania that, This Synod give thanks to Almighty God for all that Mr Russell Morton has contributed as Registrar of the Diocese of Tasmania in building a healthy church … transforming life:

When I was asked to second a motion to thank God for you, Russell, for all you have done in our Diocese in your professional capacity, my immediate response was yes.  As I thought of what I might say, I also thought of my interactions with you:

ü As a Trustee of the Diocese and more recently as Chair of Trustees

ü On a number of Diocesan committees and Boards of Anglican Agencies

ü Being asked to go on other committees and being given permission to say no

ü As a churchwarden in a parish

And I thought we should consider what Russell’s experience as Registrar, which later morphed into the role of Director of Business Services, and as Secretary to the Trustees of the Diocese and to several other committees has given him that might be useful in life after being Registrar of the Missionary Diocese of Tasmania.

Knowing that Russell has recently taken up the reins as National Chair of CMS Australia, I thought that was a tangible enough role to test the skills and attributes he has demonstrated.

One thing I have learned about CMS during Russell’s tenure as Registrar is their statement “Pray Care Give Go”.  But the interesting thing for me is that, unlike our parish treasurer who fondly remembers Russell in a former life as his teacher and Head of Middle School at Hutchins, my introduction to Russell and Sue was as CMS missionaries who came back to Hobart from Thailand after an experience which mercifully defies the imagination, let alone experience, of most of us of bringing the students and teachers safely through an attack on their school where Russell was Principal, and out of Pakistan under circumstances that could have been horrendous without a firm trust in, and love of, and by God.  Whatever else can be said of Russell’s tenure as Registrar, and there is much that could be said, he has consistently demonstrated a great support for Bishop John’s vision of A Healthy Church, Transforming Lives for our Diocese and he has encouraged us all as parishes and Anglican agencies to capture the vision.  He is capable of seeing the big picture and has demonstrated CMS’s vision which is “to see God’s Church growing in all the world as lives and communities are transformed by Christ.”

A chairman needs to be able to chair meetings and Russell has demonstrated this competency in holding pre-Synod meetings in the north, northwest and south of the Diocese which I for one have found extremely helpful in growing my understanding of the Synod business papers.  Russell’s chairing of these meetings has also helped the Synod run more smoothly than it once did which is always an advantage.

Russell also chaired meetings in parishes before they started the process of seeking out a new rector.  These meetings were often the beginning of the help that was afforded parishes as they embarked on this process.  I remember that Russell’s overheads were appreciated in our parish and we asked him to come back with the overhead equipment to help us when we were farewelling our associate priest a few months later.  I know this thoughtfulness and giving of Russell’s and Sue’s time to worship with us on a Sunday morning and to join in our low tech farewell presentation was much appreciated by Kevin and his family.  This is just one of the many times where Russell has demonstrated that he is prepared not only to make time for any role to which he commits but also to go above and beyond what might be expected of that commitment.

As many in this room will know, the role of leader or chairman can be an extremely lonely position at times when one has to demonstrate moral courage or to accept and use authority.  Russell has demonstrated that he can accept and fulfil that criterion because how many of us know the challenge and anguish that Russell has endured as the initial face of the Anglican church and at times protector at Church House in relation to victims of abuse.  While Synod is to be commended for the courageous but necessary decisions it has made, we can all thank Russell for what it has cost him to carry out our decisions.

Many of us have also appreciated Russell’s wisdom, advice and listening ear when we have brought our problems and anxieties to him and left him to deal with them, whether they have been ministry or asset related, or a personal concern.

A chairman of a Board today must be concerned with governance and with policy making.  Russell has become a fellow of the AICD and has successfully undertaken courses with them.  On a practical view, he has helped with implementing better processes for Diocesan Council and its committees.  In his role as Secretary to the Trustees, he has worked with us in better documenting our policies and procedures.

CMS requires faithful stewardship in ministries to which God calls us and Russell has learnt much in his role as Secretary to the Trustees including grappling with mortgages, leases, maintenance of buildings, cash investments, stock and shares, trusts, variations of trusts, government grants, budgets, financial statements, agendas and very timely minutes and a whole range of people in various places and professions to achieve the best stewardship of our resources and our people.  As well as his own life experiences in mission, Russell demonstrates his support and understanding of CMS’s goal to send and support long term missionaries in the way he has supported the various parishes and Anglican agencies, all of whom could be described as being in long term mission.

When I consider that we at St George’s Battery Point have been able to throw at Russell

  • Ø Two farewells
  • Ø 1 interregnum and appointment of a new rector
  • Ø 7 ordinations
  • Ø 5 grant applications, six if you include the first unsuccessful attempt with the Tasmanian Community Fund – which we should because Russell walked the application across the road to State Treasury himself so it was submitted in time
  • Ø 3 treasurers  –  we went from an octogenarian who kept meticulous double bookkeeping accounts to a young woman with a Bachelor of Commerce studying to become a CPA who was wooed by a young man in Roslyn’s choral group, they got married and moved to France for nine months and she handed the books over to Tom who was one of Russell’s students at Hutchins
  • Ø A partnership with the Southern Midlands which has become very important to us and to them, so as far as we are concerned the Imagine Project is alive and kicking and we are delighted to see amendments to the Parish Administration Ordinance take this into account after Russell took our concerns to Paul Cavanough
  • Ø A tricky situation about our Diocesan assessment which has resulted in further amendment to the Assessment Authorisation Ordinance
  • Ø A large inheritance held in shares outside the pool with the Trustees of the Diocese

And St George’s Battery Point is not only believed to be the smallest parish geographically in the whole of Australia but is also a one centre parish so my mind bogles to think as to what the rest of you have lobbed into Russell’s court.

Abraham Lincoln understood that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.  Russell has certainly demonstrated an ability to work in fellowship with most of us most of the time.  Where that may not have always occurred may require each of us to concentrate on CMS’s first goal which is – God’s Word, the foundation of all we are and do.

Russell, as you look back over your years as Registrar, you should be encouraged by all that has been achieved in and beyond our Diocese in that time, as your being and your work have contributed to this and has often encouraged us.  Before I ask everyone to join with me in thanking you and in thanking God for providing you and your talents to us, I thought I could do no better than to finish with the Bible verse and prayer found at the end of each of your emails: Romans 15:13 –

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Amen

See also,  Synod: required reading! and   Prayer for Synod.

Prayer for Synod

Please join us through prayer, as today we commence three days of Synod in Launceston.

In my prayers this morning from A Prayer Book for Australia, p.213,

Almighty and everliving God,
give wisdom and understanding,
to the members of the Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania.
Teach us in all things
to seek first your honour and glory.
May we perceive what is right
have courage to pursue it
and grace to accomplish it,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See Synod 2011 a little way down this page,

Synod: required reading!

Our Tasmanian Synods are largely harmonious affairs where we can share views, agree, disagree and modify with due respect for difference.

I came across an article The Loss of Civility (& its Consequences) in CASE by . While the article refers more generally to Australian public affairs and in particular our political discourse, or rather lack of it at this time, it did occur to me from my time in other places that the article could be required reading for all synod representatives, including me!

The incisive article has to do with the lack of respect and resultant lack of courtesy and civility in Australian society.

In countries like Australia, France, Canada, Britain and the USA, political parties seem to be at war with each other rather than setting debating and agreeing on policies that will help to shape nations for the common good. Political parties spend millions of dollars to tear policies and each other apart. Issues are rarely debated with transparency and civility, lies are told, tricks played and voters deceived. What such behaviour can unwittingly encourage is extreme responses by minority groups in any society that is fuelled by the behaviour of our leaders as they provide simplistic messages designed to raise fear and incite anger, rather than opening up reasoned civil discussion.

The article refers to Os Guiness who is one of my favourite Christian thinkers. In his new book, ‘The  Case for Civility: And Why Our Future Depends On It‘,  Os Guiness refers to the need for civility in the USA and western socieities,

“Civility must truly be restored. It is not to be confused with  niceness and mere etiquette or dismissed as squeamishness about differences. It  is a tough, robust, substantive concept… and a manner of conduct that will be  decisive for the future of the American republic” (p. 3).

The CASE article argues, using Guiness’s idea of civility and “a civil public square”, that,

a civil society, that is able to demonstrate a “civil public square”, may well avoid the type of false tolerance that we have witnessed in Australia in recent times as diverse political parties have attempted to maintain a government where no party has a clear majority. A mature civil society will need to enable minority groups to have a voice, but they must not be allowed to seek to establish their position by yelling the loudest or the longest. Guinness reminds us that in a democracy all have a right to believe anything, but this does not mean, “anything anyone believes is right”. We need to expect differences of opinion in a civil society and also to work out ways to discuss them and reach consensus for the common good. Christians have a part to play in such public discourse, participating openly as people of faith with godliness, humility and respect for the rights of others to participate as well.

Wise words. May God give us the grace to live them. See you at Synod!  🙂

CASE Article,  The Loss of Civility (& its Consequences)