Lord, we praise you
for this opportunity we have had to worship you during this commencement ceremony.
We thank you for your gifts of life, of salvation in Jesus Christ, of your call to serve you, and the gift of the future.
We acknowledge that all we have is from you.
Now we bring these graduates before you, thanking you for them.
We ask that you will give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation so they may know Christ better. We pray that out of your glorious riches, you may strengthen them with power through your Spirit in their inner being. We ask that they might grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. We pray that you will fill them with the knowledge of God’s will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. May they live lives worthy of the Lord, and may they please you in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to your glorious might, so that they migh have great endurance and patience, joyfully giving thanks to their Father.
Lord, may they approve the things that are excellent in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ,having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
We plead on their behalf that by your grace you will keep their hearts set firmly on you. We give them over to your leading and guiding for your glory. In the strong name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior we pray.
And now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to his power that works in us. To him be the glory in th church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.
– Dr. Gene Swanstrom, DMin –
Trinity Evangelical School (Commencement 14 May 2011)
I will be at the Pontville Anglican Church, St Mark’s, tomorrow for worship and fellowship. The sermon will be based on my ‘Friday Forum’ presentation at St David’s Cathedral in May : Asylum seekers: A Christian approach.
It will also be an opportunity to further discuss the hospitality and support the Churches and the wider community are planning for the asylum seekers. The first asylum seekers arrived yesterday at the Pontville detention centre on the Rifle Range road (it tells a story of our insensitivity – but that’s an issue I’ve discussed before, here), see the asylum seekers’ arrival reported, here.
I joined with other Church leaders in signing and thereby affirming the following statement following the High Court ruling on the ‘Malaysia Solution’.
Australian Churches Call for a Humane Bipartisan Approach for Asylum Seekers
The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) welcomes the High Court ruling that overturns the Government’s Malaysia ‘solution’ and calls for a humane bipartisan approach for asylum seekers and refugees.
“The churches have repeatedly called for a bipartisan approach concerning refugees and asylum seekers which ensures that we fulfil our international obligations to a high standard and enhances Australia’s reputation as a just and humane global citizen” said the Reverend Tara Curlewis, NCCA General Secretary.
The Government is urged to ensure that the human rights of all refugees and asylum seekers are safeguarded. We therefore ask the Government to meet Australia’s responsibilities by:
1. treating asylum seekers humanely regardless of how they arrive in Australia,
2. processing asylum applications expeditiously, and
3. accommodating and processing in Australia asylum seekers who reach Australian territory.
Tara Curlewis said “The churches once again remind the Government and all Australians that asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants and have rights under international law to seek protection from persecution. Australia has committed, as a signatory to the Refugee Convention, to assess each asylum seeker case according to agreed criteria and take this commitment seriously.”
Full media release, Australian Churches Call for a Humane Bipartisan Approach for Asylum Seekers also ‘Call to open hearts on asylum seekers’ and ‘Malaysia Solution’: Australia’s shame and Asylum Seekers: A Christian approach.
The human face of asylum seekers is graphically depicted in The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif by Najaf Mazari & Robert Hillman, Insight Publications, St Kilda 2008.
The Ministry Council of the Diocese is seeking to focus some of its training more fully on our Christian discipleship.
Key questions include:
- Are you keen to grow as a follower of Christ?
- What do you think you or others could do to help you grow?
- What do you think might help you grow in your effectiveness as a Christian in the world, your workplace, social network or family?
- How important to you is your personal development in your depth of understanding and commitment as a follower of Jesus?
Please click here to participate in this survey on Christian Life and Discipleship. Be sure to invite others to join! We want as many people to participate as possible.
In a challenging article, ‘Science and politics stand off’ Peter Boyer argues for scientists to participate in public policy debate without fear.
Our scientists need to feel confident about discussing their work freely and publicly without setting off a political vendetta seeking to trash their reputations. Is that too much to ask?
Sadly, it too often has been “too much to ask”.
Scientists are rightly concerned at being intimidated for their views and for having their scientific research coopted by power elites. Exhibit ‘A’ is the extension of Charles Darwin’s research to eugenics and Hitler’s misuse of it to justify the sterilization of people with disabilities, including the deaf and blind, and the horrendous extension of this barbarity to the extermination of these and other groups, such as the Roma and Jews.
I feel sorry for Charles Darwin. The ideological use of Darwin’s scientific research has been used to justify communism (Engel at Marx’s funeral), capitalism (J.D.Rockefeller), racism and (today) atheism (Richard Dawkins).
Religious leaders share with scientists in their deep concern at the (mis)use of their knowledge and name (in the former party’s case, religion) in the public square.
Exhibit ‘A’ in today’s news is Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann who claimed that God was speaking to US politicians via the earthquake and hurricane that struck the US east coast.
“I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’
“Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. Because they know what has to be done. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we’ve got to rein in the spending,” she said.
God, of course, is ‘on message’ with her: ‘we’ve got to rein in the spending’!
One of the take away messages for me from last weekend’s Conference on Science and Christianity was the way in which both science and Christianity have been coopted over the centuries and in various ways by power elites. This cooption diminishes the standing and hence contribution that both science and religious belief make to society’s well-being.
I finish quoting COSAC speaker, Dr Denis Alexander,
Christians are in a strong position to critique the uses and abuses of biology that lie beyond science since the justification of their own faith does not depend on the status of any particular scientific theory. Their understanding of human sinfulness and the perils of human arrogance should also make them quick to discern the distinction between science and those philosophies and ideologies that are parasitic upon science, but not part of science. Scientific theories should be left to do good scientific work in the laboratory and not extrapolated into other realms in ways that eventually lead to disenchantment with the science itself and, even worse, further human tragedies.
The critic of our Christianity is Christ through his Spirit, Scripture, community and the quest for knowledge in humility and truth.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5)
It does seem somewhat pretentious to interpret a natural disaster on the East Coast of the USA as God supporting reduced Government expenditure. As I think of the 40 reported dead in the hurricane the Spirit speaks to me more of Christ’s call to exercise compassion than to make a judgment on government financial policy.
In Anselm’s famous words the follower of Christ exercises, “faith seeking understanding”.
Read more, Science and politics stand off and Disasters a message from God: Bachmann and Conference: Science and Christianity(COSAC) 2011.
Good news regarding euthanasia – The Liberal Party of Tasmania at its weekend State Council voted “NO” to euthanasia / assisted suicide / medical killing. PTL!
Read the full article from The Mercury here. See also Euthanasia and Elder abuse.
Being Sure of Our Ground
Reading 2 Timothy 1:8-12
We’ve been reflecting on examples from Tasmanian history of scientific endeavour, drawing parallels with Christian endeavour.
John Franklin kept on, an example of persistence in scientific endeavour which parallels that required of us as followers of Jesus. We are called to put our hand to the plough and not look back.
Charles Gould was across the issues of his day, and someone determined to stick to the facts, like the man born blind who saw the currents of opinion swirling around him but remained clear about what he knew – that Jesus had restored his sight.
Roald Amundsen, that competitive Norwegian, is both an example of someone who understood to whom he was accountable, someone who was clear where his loyalty lay, but also someone who understood that luck was no substitute for application, for preparedness, for commitment to service. Resources are to be put to work in the service of the King, as the unfaithful servant was reminded when he buried his bag of gold.
The foundation professor of geology at the University of Tasmania died in March 2002 in Hobart. Sam Warren Carey grew up outside Sydney and perhaps like some of you found when he entered university to study science that he needed a fourth subject after automatically enrolling in Chemistry, Physics and Maths. A friend talked him into Geology, although Carey later said he didn’t at first even know what it was! Like Mawson, TW Edgeworth David had a big influence on young Carey, and even agreed to deliver the inaugural address at the geology club which Carey started.
Carey’s first job after graduating was searching for oil in the Sepik region of PNG, but after a fascinating five years in PNG, war intervened.
During the war, commando Carey dramatically proved to the sceptical Americans that limpet mines could be useful. He did it by personally infiltrating the mined harbour at Townsville with his team and attaching 45 dummy, sand-filled limpet mines to the 15 American warships berthed there!
Towards the end of the war, he moved to Tasmania as Government Geologist, in the footsteps of Charles Gould, was then invited to set up a geology department in the science faculty in the Tasmanian University, and became the first professor of geology in 1946, holding that post until retirement in 1976.
But Carey is remembered for something very different from promoting the use of magnetic mines.
Carey had a mantra he liked to trot out which ran,
“We are blinded by what we think we know; disbelieve if you can.”
Back in his early twenties, Carey read a translation of German scientist Alfred Wegener’s book The Origin of Continents and Oceans. Carey was strongly taken by Wegener’s ideas and, as they say, the rest is history. Carey became a major, if not for many years, the major proponent in the English-speaking academic world of the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics.
Orthodoxy at the time in the scientific community was that the continents were fixed.
Carey read, debated and researched to make the case for continental drift, or plate tectonics, leading in 1956 to his hosting a seminal international symposium on the subject. This resulted in many scientists switching sides and prompted important confirmatory research.
Carey is probably best remembered for sticking to his guns over plate tectonics. There always seemed to be an element with Carey of wanting to be seen to be outside the ‘establishment’, and of wanting to step as far back as possible to get the widest possible view. His published 1988 review was titled Theories of the Earth and Universe: a History of Dogma in the Earth Sciences!
Remember his mantra
“We are blinded by what we think we know; disbelieve if you can.”
But there is an irony here. I’m no geologist as you know, but my understanding is that the mechanism of plate tectonics is understood to be that of subduction, where plates collide and one slides under the other. Carey’s explanatory mechanism was that of the expanding earth, and as late as 1979 commented that the adoption of subduction was “an unfortunate and regrettable mistake’.
Well, that’s scientific endeavour, isn’t it – healthy scepticism, inductive thinking, trying to see the big picture, modifying or even rejecting the hypothesis when it no longer fits the observable facts.
The Christian faith has a different foundation from empirical observation and inductive reasoning leading to hypotheses.
The apostle Paul, from what might seem a defeated position of being incarcerated in a dungeon in Rome, writes (2 Tim. 1:12) in these terms:
I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.
Paul’s confidence came from his personal relationship with, his knowledge of, Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.
And on the basis of that knowledge, that tried and tested relationship, Paul could confidently commit himself, his present predicament and his future to God.
Yes, we need as Christians to work at our faith, to grow in our knowledge and understanding of Scripture, to use our God-given faculties to explore the world around us.
But most of all we are to build our lives – both for now and for the uncertain future – on that personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who, standing at the grave of a friend said, (John 11:25,26)
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”
Professor Carey is rightly honoured for his preparedness to go against the flow, to persevere with his research to support and develop a new and unpopular theory. But like all of us I guess, he found inconvenient facts creating headwinds for aspects of his cherished theory and was confronted with the challenge of backing down, of changing his mind. That’s in the nature of all human endeavour.
But with God, we can have confidence. Our faith is based on eternal, unchanging truth because it is based on a person, on God’s intervention in human history in sending his Son to be, through his life, death and resurrection, our Saviour. We know ‘whom we have believed’.
With that sure knowledge, with that firm foundation to our lives, we step confidently out into whatever endeavour God gives us to do – whether in scientific research, in Christian ministry, in family and community life.
May God bless you and continue to guide and guard each one of us as we serve him.
Let us pray . . .
See, COSAC – Conference: Science & Christianity 2011 and “Keeping on” (COSAC Devotion #1)
Loyalty and Accountability
Reading Matthew 25:14-30
From time to time I escape from my desk overlooking the Treasury building in Hobart’s Macquarie St and cross Murray St for lunch at Hadleys.
Hadley’s is quite an institution in Hobart. It was built by convict labour and opened in 1849. It has operated continuously as a hostelry since then.
Early in March 1912, a rather disreputable-looking fellow booked into Hadleys, having just sailed into the Hobart docks. In his diary, he records that he was given a miserable room, probably because he looked like a tramp.
The fellow then tramped down Macquarie St to the Hobart Post Office where well-known Australian broadcaster Tim Bowden’s grandfather was the telegraph clerk and, after swearing the clerk to secrecy, had him telegraph none other than the King of Norway to say that he and his men had reached the South Pole, the first party to do so and some weeks ahead of Captain Robert Falcon Scott.
The disreputable fellow was, of course, the intrepid Norwegian Roald Amundsen.
If you came across to the conference on the Spirit of Tasmania, you may have eaten at the Captain’s Table cafeteria which sports large photos of Amundsen leaning on the rail of his sailing ship the Fram at the Hobart wharf. The photo shows a lean and weather-beaten man in a suit with a waistcoat, shiny black shoes and a felt hat, rather different from the tramp who booked into Hadleys a few days earlier.
Mind you, when Hadley’s management learned the identity of their guest, the hospitality improved suddenly, and they even put on a Christmas dinner for Amundsen and his crew, since they had missed out trekking to the Pole. I believe you can still stay in the Amundsen suite. Not unreasonably, Hadley’s has milked the connection for all it’s worth over the last century.
On 17 March 1912, Amundsen attended a service in St David’s Cathedral, across the road from Hadley’s, to welcome back his team and to pray for the party of Scott, who was in fact to lose his life some two weeks later in his attempt to get back to base. The world was not to learn of Scott’s fate, however, until the following summer.
Today, most of Australia’s Antarctic scientists live and work in Hobart. Hobart hosts the CSIRO’s Marine Laboratories, the Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, and the Australian Antarctic Division.
CCAMLR, the international organization devoted to conserving the marine living resources of the Antarctic, is head-quartered in Hobart.
Hobart has always had connections with the Antarctica.
The year before Amundsen, a geologist from Adelaide University who had been part of a Shackleton exploration party, set out from Hobart with the aim of charting a substantial part of the Antarctic coastline south of Australia. Dr Douglas Mawson had the confidence of his old teacher Edgeworth David, the renowned geology professor from Sydney, and Professor Masson from Melbourne, who together spearheaded the public fundraising to get Mawson’s expedition underway. That trip was a disaster in most respects, with serious loss of life. However, there was serious discussion between Mawson and Scott to see if they could combine forces for Scott’s trip. Perhaps fortunately for Mawson, this didn’t work out.
But to return to Roald Amundsen. He started out as a medical student but gave it away when his mother died and embarked on a life of exploration. He was the first person to successfully navigate his way through the so-called North-West Passage which had eluded Franklin, although he took several years to do it. Contact with Eskimos taught him a lot of survival skills which would have assisted his dash to the Pole. In a diary, Amundsen wrote:
“I may say that this is the greatest factor – the way in which the expedition is equipped – the way in which every difficulty is foreseen, and precautions taken for meeting or avoiding it. Victory awaits him who has everything in order – luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.”
Not content with reaching the South Pole, Amundsen set about sailing east to west across the top of Alaska – the North-East Passage, and later flew an airship across the North Pole, thus probably becoming the first person to reach both Poles.
When Amundsen had successfully navigated the North-West Passage, he reportedly wrote to the new King of Norway, Norway having just been formally separated from Sweden, informing him that it was a great achievement for Norway and that he hoped to do more, signing himself, ‘Your loyal subject, Roald Amundsen.’
His telegraph from the Hobart GPO delivered on that promise.
Amundsen clearly felt a strong loyalty and responsibility to his King.
Christian men and women, you and I, also have a loyalty above and beyond that which our current enterprise demands, whatever that enterprise may be.
Jesus taught his followers using a story about three people who were given bags of gold in trust for their master. The parable can be found in Matthew chapter 25 but also in Luke chapter 19.
There are several aspects to this story which resonate with me.
Firstly, the successful investment of the master’s bags of gold was no matter of luck. Even in the context of the extreme volatility of today’s stock market, there is no suggestion that the three servants were more or less successful at stock picking or market timing. No, all that was required – all that was expected – was reasonable, faithful effort.
Secondly, that reasonable effort reflected the de jure ownership of the resource and the relationship between the master and the servant.
And thirdly, whilst there is unabashed differentiation between the three servants, the first being entrusted with five times what the third received, the reward for the two faithful servants is identical. You and I may have very different tasks under God, face very different challenges, have very different opportunities. But we are called nevertheless to undertake those tasks, to meet those challenges, to take up those opportunities with faithfulness, with commitment, out of loyalty to the King of Kings.
Let us pray. . . .
See, COSAC – Conference: Science & Christianity 2011 and “Keeping on” (COSAC Devotion #1).
Humility Before The Facts
Reading John 9:13-25
Visiting Tasmania’s West Coast is an enjoyable if somewhat surreal experience. I have very dear friends in that remote part of our island state who show great hospitality and generous Christian fellowship. Lady Jane Franklin visited the West Coast, carried in a sedan chair. Thus far, I’ve only managed to get there in a sedan! The West Coast could only be reached by road for the first time in the 1930s when the Lyell Highway from Hobart was opened. The other road, south from Burnie, was opened as recently as 1963.
As Geoffrey Blainey notes, the government commissioned a geological survey of the area in the 1860s in the hope of finding gold and attracting miners back from the Victorian goldfields to which Tasmanian men had flocked. Taxation being a colonial matter, their loss was serious for the Treasury. The geologist chosen to lead the survey was Charles Gould, a 25-year old graduate of the University of London, contracted on £600 per year to conduct a comprehensive geological survey of the state and to produce a book on the subject.
Gould was a careful scientist who spent ten years on the job before the money ran out. He correctly deduced the presence of coal in the north-east of the state, and there is a tiny hamlet of wooden buildings on the winding road between Scottsdale and St Helen’s named Gould’s Country.
But returning to the West Coast, it was Gould’s party who failed to find gold but found instead the huge copper ore body, mining of which gave rise to the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, the richest copper mine in the Commonwealth and the basis of pretty much all enterprise on the West Coast for 100 years.
The road into Queenstown from Hobart crosses the West Coast Range before winding down to the town among the barren moonscape left after the timber was removed, topsoil lost to the heavy rainfall and sulfurous smelter emissions acidified any remaining soil.
It was Gould who named the peaks of the West Coast Range.
If you, as an educated scientist recently arrived from the intellectual hub of the UK, were given the task of naming six mountains, I wonder what you would choose? Rock Bands? Politicians? Bishops, perhaps?
The debate raging in Gould’s home country as he trekked through the dense Tasmanian rainforest was that prompted by the publication just two years earlier of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. Gould, it seems, was well across this huge issue for the scientific and religious world. He named the taller peaks after three professors, each of whom were perceived to be unconvinced by Darwin’s hypotheses, generally seeing Darwin as leaving less room for God, or at least a ‘creative power’.
Joseph Jukes had visited Hobart on a scientific expedition, had charted the Great Barrier Reef and had prompted the survey of Tasmanian geology on which Gould was engaged. Gould names the highest peak Mt Jukes, although we don’t know how accurately he was able to measure elevations.
The next highest is named Mt Sedgwick. Adam Sedgwick was Jukes’ old Cambridge prof. In fact, Sedgwick, the son of an Anglican vicar, occupied a chair at Cambridge for 55 years! Increasingly evangelical in later life, Sedgwick saw science and faith as intertwined. In a talk to the Geological Society of London in 1831, Sedgwick said:
No opinion can be heretical, but that which is not true…. Conflicting falsehoods we can comprehend; but truths can never war against each other. I affirm, therefore, that we have nothing to fear from the results of our enquiries, provided they be followed in the laborious but secure road of honest induction. In this way we may rest assured that we shall never arrive at conclusions opposed to any truth, either physical or moral, from whatever source that truth may be derived.
What a clear statement of the way we as Christians need to see scientific endeavour in the light of our faith.
The third peak in descending order of height is Mt Owen. Prof Richard Owen was the driving force behind the founding of the Museum of Natural History in London. At one stage he had the right for research purposes to the carcasses of all animals which died at the London Zoo, and his wife arrived home one day to find a newly-deceased rhino in the front hall! Owen coined the term ‘dinosaur’, meaning terrible reptile. Owen had a lot to do with Darwin, and believed they shared a belief in a ‘creative power’. Owen led elements of the resistance to Darwin’s ideas, and feuded publicly with Huxley. Without wishing to oversimplify things, Owen seems to have placed great store on his belief that humans were qualitatively different from animals.
Peak four is named for another student of Sedgwick, one Charles Darwin. Darwin, too, had visited Hobart on the Beagle 25 years earlier and reputedly climbed Mt Wellington in an afternoon. I must say I prefer the drive to the top myself!
Peak 5 is named for the man whom came to be known as Darwin’s bulldog, Thomas Henry Huxley. Huxley is believed to be responsible for the term ‘agnostic’ as a way to label his own theological views. Huxley pursued the public airing of Darwin’s ideas, and his 1860 debate at Oxford with Sam Wilberforce coached by Richard Owen is seen as a key moment in the acceptance of evolution as the best explanation for the origin of species. Huxley, a self-taught man, was a strong advocate of public education and notwithstanding his agnosticism supported the reading of Scripture in schools. That said, he advocated an edited version of the Bible, ‘shorn of its shortcomings and errors’. He famously said, “I do not advocate burning your ship to get rid of the cockroaches!”
And the lowest peak of the six, ‘though the name which means most in the economic history of Tasmania, is Mt Lyell itself. Charles Lyell, a Scottish baronet, was a devout Christian who had difficulties reconciling his Christian beliefs and natural selection. He plumped for what he termed ‘centres of creation’ to explain aspects of the fossil record. Lyell trained as a lawyer and moved to geology when his eyesight deteriorated. Presumably he could see boulders better than fine print in contracts! His key book, Principles of Geology, in later editions shows that Lyell was gradually coming out in support of Darwin.
Where did Charles Gould stand in matters of faith? Since the higher peaks of the range seemed to be named for people who were more opposed to Darwin and the lower peaks for Darwin’s supporters, some people argue that this is evidence of Gould’s position.
What is clear is that this period was one of intense debate as honest, hard-working scientists and Christians weighed up the evidence and did their best to reassess their understanding of Scripture in the light of developments.
John, in chapter 9 of his Gospel, records the detailed exchange between the man whose eyesight Jesus restored, his parents and the religious leaders.
It’s easy to marvel at the apparent blindness of these leaders, or to ridicule them. But they too, like Christians working in scientific endeavours in the 19th century, had their long history of a certain world-view, a world-view which was being seriously challenged by this incident, and others of which they were no doubt aware.
And the fellow himself would have grown up absorbing that same position.
But what a refreshing response we see from him, clear-headed, non-judgmental. (John 9:24,25)
A second time they (the religious leaders) summoned the man who had been blind. “Give glory to God,” they said. “We know this man (Jesus) is a sinner.” He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
Like the world of Charles Gould, ours presents plenty of challenges to our faith. Our task is to be humble before the facts. We are to maintain our quiet confidence in ‘whom we have believed’ and in God-breathed Scripture. Like the man born blind, we can rehearse the facts, with courtesy and humility, being open to the need to adjust our position as we grow in our understanding of the way God works.
And like Gould, we need to be across the issues of our day, to strive to think through whatever the challenge is to our faith, and as Peter says in his first letter (1 Peter 3:15), prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.’
Let us pray . . .
See, COSAC – Conference: Science & Christianity 2011 and “Keeping on” (COSAC Devotion #1).
Keeping On
Reading Luke 9:57-62
When John Pilbrow invited me to be with you at this conference, I was delighted to accept. I have been aware of the work of ISCAST from quite some time. Folk like me in positions of Christian leadership are hugely appreciative of the measured contribution which ISCAST makes by way of informed comment from a committed Christian perspective on science and technology in its broadest sense as a force shaping our world and our world-view. I look forward very much to the input over the next couple of days and to meeting as many of you as I can.
In thinking through what I might possibly say which would be encouraging and helpful to you, I decided to draw together several strands from my own journey, so please indulge me if I need to give you something by way of autobiography.
I am a born and bred Melburnian. I met my wife at high school upon her arrival from Adelaide. Out of my roughly six decades, four of them have been spent in Melbourne. For a fifth decade – actually my third – Gayelene and our family served in Christian ministry in Latin America. This last decade has been spent in the wonderful islands of Tasmania. And Tasmania is one of my passions. In God’s grace I have the privilege of wandering around these islands, meeting with Anglican and other Christians and being encouraged by them.
In these devotionals we will reflect on examples from Tasmanian history of scientific endeavour, drawing parallels with Christian endeavour.
You scientists and technologists will no doubt be aware that Hobart was the first colony to be established after Sydney Cove, dating from 1804, but being entirely surrounded by water we have been able to insulate ourselves to a degree from some of the more negative accoutrements of ‘progress’. However, please don’t tell anyone this. We want to remain a well-kept secret!
Perhaps because the pace of change is slower, one of the first things I learned about Tasmania was an awareness of history.
If I sit at my desk in Macquarie St and glance to the left, I can see the green trees and lawn of Franklin Square. For some reason, former Tasmanian governors are remembered in multiple place names, and Sir John Franklin is no exception. Some of you are old enough to remember the campaign to stop the damming of the Gordon and Franklin rivers. There’s a village of Franklin south of Hobart and another on the outskirts of Launceston. One of our many beautiful, preserved stately homes is Franklin House. And, of course, there’s Jane Franklin Hall, a residential college of the University of Tasmania.
Franklin was a nephew by marriage of Matthew Flinders – yes, that Matthew Flinders who circumnavigated Tasmania in a whale boat with George Bass to prove we are an island. Franklin joined the Royal Navy at age 14 in the year 1800, saw service in the Battle of Trafalgar, studied geography, led several scientifically significant polar expeditions, became a member of the Royal Society, was knighted, received an honorary doctorate from Oxford, a gold medal for geography from the French, was appointed Rear Admiral and arrived in Hobart Town with Lady Jane on 1 January 1837 as Lieutenant Governor to replace the austere and somewhat disliked Governor Arthur. Arthur only seems to have managed to get a road and a lake [Correction: and the Arthur Ranges & Port Arthur] named after him!
Franklin spent only six years in Tasmania for various reasons, but left quite a legacy. Historians tell us he strove to promote the development of cultural pursuits in a colony of brutalized convicts and Aborigines, as well as some free settlers. Despite having to weather a local GFC, an increased proportion of convicts after transportation to NSW stopped in 1840, and Machiavellian opposition to his initiatives from his predecessor’s supporters, Franklin established a State education system, founded the Tasmanian Natural History Society (which became the first scientific Royal Society to be established outside Britain), subsidized the Tasmanian Journal of Natural History and worked to establish Christ’s College, a theological college linked with the University of Tasmania. Lady Jane more than did her bit, including trying to rid the island of snakes and building a copy of a Greek temple on her estate, the Ancanthe Estate, in Hobart’s northern suburbs.
You could be forgiven for thinking that Franklin, returning to England in 1843, would rest on his laurels. But you would be wrong. At the age of 59 he persuaded the authorities to appoint him leader of yet another expedition to try to find the fabled North-West Passage, a route for shipping from the northern Pacific into the northern Atlantic which would save having to sail around South America or dig the Panama Canal. Franklin would no doubt be interested to learn that the decrease in polar sea ice in recent decades has now led to some commercial shipping weaving its way through, although the Canadians are at loggerheads with one or two other sovereign states about ownership of these waterways!
At the very least, Natural Historian, Explorer, Humanitarian and Polymath Franklin can be described as tireless, indefatigable. Not for him the quiet life; there were always new challenges, new horizons, new efforts to be made.
Franklin never stopped: he kept on keeping on.
Followers of Christ are also to keep on keeping on.
I am reminded of Luke 9:57-62 when three would-be followers of Christ were challenged:
“Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
“Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
“No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
In the Baptism Service the newly baptized person is exhorted to:
“Live as a disciple of Christ,
Fight the good fight
Run the race,
Keep the faith.”
We are to keep on keeping on in following Christ.
Sir John Franklin did not return from his unsuccessful expedition to find the North-West Passage. That discovery was to be made by a Norwegian many years later and about whom I will have more to say tomorrow. The citizens of Hobart had a statue of Franklin made and placed in the centre of Hobart’s Franklin Square, celebrating the contribution of a man of energy, focus, wisdom and common humanity.
It’s unlikely that you or I will have a statue erected in our honour. But that is of no consequence. God calls us to faithful, committed service in his name, and promises a far greater reward.
Let us pray . . .
See, COSAC – Conference: Science & Christianity 2011 and “Being Sure of Our Ground” (COSAC Devotion #4)
The annual meeting of the Synod of the Anglican Church of Tasmania met in Launceston in June 2011 and concerns were expressed about ethical issues in Australian and international life.
As a result both at Synod or on behalf of Synod, the following decisions were made and the Bishop was requested to inform the appropriate Federal and/or State politicians.
The Bishop’s letter plus the politician’s, MP’s, replies are set out in the following social issues: