Prayer fuel: our corporate culpability

Can you trust a politician? No. Self-interest rules.

Can you trust a politician who is your brother? Yes, as a brother; no as a politician. We, the public, have made them that way.

Haunting words on our corporate culpability from the Prime Minister’s brother In blood sport, honesty is bad policy. More fuel for Prayers of Confession on my ‘People at prayer’ Prayer Pilgrimage.

We have not spoken out for justice as we should
and we have not stood up for our beliefs.
We have not prayed for the suffering Church
and we have not cared as we should.
We have not campaigned for freedom to captives
and we have not appreciated our freedom.
We seek your forgiveness, and ask that you would plant in us
a desire to care for those in your kingdom who suffer.
By your Holy Spirit enable us to live for you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

I cherish our forgiveness in God’s grace in Christ;

God is slow to anger and full of compassion, forgiving all who humbly repent and trust in his Son as Saviour and Lord. God therefore forgives us in Christ Jesus, in whom there is no condemnation.  Amen.

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