Legal service: Act of Dedication

At the Opening of the Legal Year Service at St David’s Cathedral today there is a most solemn re-dedication by Members of the Legal Profession. I have the privilege of leading this solemn segment of the service this year.

The Act of Dedication

Led by The Right Revd John Harrower, Anglican Bishop of Tasmania

 As members of the Legal Profession I now invite you to re-dedicate yourselves to the ideals and principles of your profession, to preserve and maintain the integrity of your role and to uphold justice in our society.
Members of the Legal Profession:
 God of justice and mercy,
in our various positions and roles
in the legal profession and wider community,
we dedicate ourselves anew
to live and act with truth, justice, integrity
and honour for the common good of all.
As we strive faithfully
to serve the administration of the laws and usages of this State,
may we make every effort to uphold justice
and ensure that justice is available to all,
regardless of their wealth, position or circumstance.  Amen.
Bishop prays:
Almighty and eternal God
you know the longings of people’s hearts
and you protect their rights.
In your goodness,
watch over those who administer
the law and all in authority,
so that people everywhere may enjoy
freedom, security, and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

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