Euthanasia debate

Dr. Andrew Pesce, President of the AMA and Paul Russell debated Dr. Nitschke and NSW Greens MLC, Cate Faerhmann on euthanasia & assisted suicide at Sydney Uni. From Paul Russell,

It was an excellent event attended by about 150 people. A credit to the Sydney University Union for putting the event on in what was a most respectful atmosphere.

I’m not the best judge of how we faired on the day, but a number of students both pro and con indicated that, had there been a score, Dr. Pesce and I would have won the day.

You can find the text of my speech on the HOPE website at Q&A style debate with Dr. Nitschke. [The videos are listed below 14 June 2011]

I’m a firm believer in human dignity and, for me, that demands civility and respect even for those whose beliefs I most vehemently oppose. But I must say, it troubled me greatly to hear Dr. Nitschke describe the circumstances of the death of Bob Dent under the NT Rights of the Terminally Ill legislation when he calmly admitted, ‘I killed him’.

HOPE: preventing euthanasia & assisted suicide –

The videos can be seen at the following links:

Part 1: Cate Faehrmann:
Part 2: Paul Russell
Part 3: Philip Nitschke
Part 4: Andrew Pesce

Religion in public education?

Finally time to read the Sunday Age and the largely Victorian debate over the teaching of religious instruction in public/ state schools continues.

Professor Barry McGaw, the chairman of the national curriculum authority, told The Sunday Age: ”I don’t see anything wrong with a special religious  instruction that operates precisely on [the current] grounds. If we deny any  place to religion in public education and wish to make it entirely [secular], we  are actually basing it on a particular world view.

Article, Curriculum head warns against axing religion.  See also, Clarifying school chaplaincy.

Jesus: Prophet of Islam?

We live in interesting times!

CHRISTIANS in Sydney will have their core beliefs challenged by provocative  advertisements due to appear on billboards and buses in the next month. The ads, paid for by an Islamic group called MyPeace, will carry slogans such  as ”Jesus: a prophet of Islam”, ”Holy Quran: the final testament” and  ”Muhammad: mercy to mankind”. A phone number urges people to call to receive a free Koran and other Islamic  literature.

This reduction of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ lies at the heart of the Christian community’s frustration with the Muslim community. Islamic scholar, Bishop Kenneth Cragg, has long lamented the failure of the Muslim community to discuss this issue. In his 1999 Preface to his magnificent Jesus and the Muslim: An exploration, Oneworld Publications, Oxford, he writes

The decade and a half since Jesus and the Muslim was published … there has been no major change in the broad disinterest of Muslim scholarship in the classic self-understanding of Christianity around the person of Jesus. There is little (Muslim) will to study why Christian Christology ever since the New Testament perceives the ministry and the cross of Jesus as being the drama of the love of God at grips with the wrongness of the world. It remains a matter of sadness that only four words (in the English, three in Arabic) of the teaching of Jesus survive in the Qur’an, namely ‘Forgive us our sins’, although there are two long narratives of his nativity.

Could it be that in God’s economy this adverttisement finally gives good opportunities for Christians to engage with Muslims on the topic of Christology? Pray that the Muslim community in Sydney and Australia will sincerely and significantly engage in this issue that lies at the heart of who Jesus is and the response with which he confronts us.

Sam Green alerted me to this article and he has a conversation going on his Facebook, eg,

the name “son of God” is used throughout the Law of Moses, the Prophets, the Psalms and the Gospel. It is used for the nation Israel (Exodus 4:22-23) and the Messiah (2 Samuel 7:14, Psalm 2) and of course it is widely used in the Gospel. The Qur’an however rejects all the earlier prophets and says that no one can be called a son of God (5:18).

A good general response from Rob Forsyth, as ever,

But the billboard was not offensive, he said. ”They’ve got a perfect right  to say it, and I would defend their right to say it [but] … you couldn’t run a  Christian billboard in Saudi Arabia.” The bishop said he would pay for billboards to counter those of MyPeace if he  could afford it, and ”maybe the atheists should run their billboards as  well”.

Of course we need more than a billboard, we need sustained conversation in courtesy and sincerity.

Update, 30 May, former CMS Muslim worker, John Bales develops this missional opportunity for conversation, Why Muslim billboards are good for Jesus.

Read more: He’s not the son of God, just the support act

Asylum Seekers: Cn approach

Friday Forum at the Cathedral – St David’s Cathedral Hobart 27 May 2011
Send them home? A Christian perspective on asylum seekers
A Christian approach to any ethical issue seeks to delineate the basic categories of the participants and their respective roles in the ethical scenario under consideration.
We are also called to recognise that the detail of particular issues may need further work/ research and some facts may never be fully known. Therefore genuine differences of opinion will occur and they are to be held with civility and courtesy. We are to care for one another in this conversation.
The current conversation has been emotionally charged in particular since the Tampa boat was turned away by the Australian Government in 2001.
    1. The Dignity of Each and Every Human Being as Made in the Image of God

    Common humanity  Genesis 1:27-31
    2. Stewards of God’s world – the world is not owned by us but cared for by us Luke 20:9-19

    3. We are recipients of God’s rescue mission of grace – Rebels against God/ outsiders have been welcomed into Christ’s community/ insiders. God has been and is generous to us. Ephesians 2:1-10,19,22; 5:25b-27; Rev 19:6-9
    1. Australians
Most Australians are immigrants, the early European settlers were invaders
Early history of people from every land; eg, Afghanis as camel traders, The Ghan train through central Australia
secular/ no religion is favoured over another and there is no official state religion in Australia
‘underdog’ – help those who are in need. Mateship.
Relatively wealthy and stable country
    2. Christians
Called to be ‘salt and light’  Matthew 5:13-16
Citizens in a democratic nation with the capacity to speak and participate in civic life and in church communities.
Asylum seekers as those people seeking protection in another country from persecution for race, religious, ethnic, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion in their own country.
They have great need for compassion having fled the land of their birth; lose of identity, language, house, work, etc
There are about 20 + million refugees in the world
They come to Australia through many means
Compared to that those 4,000 coming to Australia these are a tiny minority
    1. Love for neighbour
Who is my neighbour? – Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37. The outsider/ the other helped the insider/ ‘one of us’.
Will we be neighbour?
What would we want done to us?
We are called to be neighbours. The danger of ‘Nimby’. But note that Jesus is always crossing boundaries, eg. Samaritan woman, lepers, sinful woman, Roman centurion, widows. Early church we have Peter needing a vision to help him answer the question: Can a gentile, Cornelius, be a follower of Christ? Acts 11:2,3
    2. Alien and foreign person in the Old Testament
Deuteronomy 10:18,19; Colossians 1:21; Ephesians 2:19,22
Migrants choose to join for reasons of commercial reasons
Asylum seekers/ refugees for reasons of persecution in their own country; no longer able to survive in their own country
    3. Children are a special category for our love and compassion
Children Are Special To God
The Responsibility to Protect Protocol, applies the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child endorsed by the UN 15 years ago, and signed by Australia, to allow cross border interventions and refugees and has a strong focus on children. Eg, Libya today, the justification to intervene in Libya is to protect children. Protecting innocent children on boats, in refugee camps, driven from their homelands by civil war or ethnic oppression, should resonate with most Australian parents.
Let’s welcome children suffering from other people’s wars, give them a welcome to Tasmania and affirm the diversity they will bring to our culture.
– In March 2008, 12 year old Abbas Nazari who, as a six year old, had been one of the Afghan refugees picked up by the MV Tampa and subsequently refused asylum in Australia, came third in a New Zealand schools’ spelling competition. Interviewed after the competition, he commented: “The whole thing occurred around 9/11, the Australian government had its reasons to not provide a refuge for us… Australia didn’t want us because they thought we were terrorists… but New Zealand listened to us and they thought we weren’t terrorist ‘n’ stuff.”[20] Note: Tampa
Jesus called the children to him and said “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” Luke 18:16 (TNIV)
    4. Australia is right in protecting its borders. Australia can quite understandably organise to be protected through its government from criminals and unlimited immigration from people seeking to enter Australia simply for a preferred economic or societal lifestyle.
Our systems may be unable to sustain a borderless Australia. For this reason nations have developed criteria that appropriately define asylum seekers as those people seeking protection in another country from persecution for race, religious, ethnic, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion in their own country. Europe is already closing its borders due to the enormity of the people’s revolutions in the Middle East causing persecution and thus asylum seekers with the resultant dislocation to Europe’s communities.
A big Australia needs to balance population growth: workers and retired; the need to care for our increasingly older community; land which is desert to produce food; care for the environment and sustainable living. We need to balance of all these things for the common good.
Immigration as announced by the Prime Minister: 180,000 net immigrants includes 18,000 refugees [4,000 Malaysia + 4,000 PNG + 4,000 Thailand? – may need increasing]. Malaysia agrees on ‘no’ to caning. Australia is sending 800 very expensive asylum seekers to Malaysia.
Resettlement of refuges is not easy. English, integration of dislocated people – level of trauma and need for support, identity. King Island. Highly motivated.
Is there not enough good will in our community for these people to be cared for in the community? Rather than prisons being run by security firms. Why have children behind fences?
    5. T he motion on the Treatment of Refugees which was passed at the General Synod 2010 of the Anglican Church of Australia was moved by the Registrar of the Diocese of Tasmania, Russell Morton. It is before our Tasmanian Anglican Synod next week:
(a) that members of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania do not minimise the complexity of the issues surrounding the arrival on our shores of men, women and children; however
(b) that the Synod, affirming unambiguously the clear teaching of Scripture about the value of every person in the sight of God, urges that the Government take immediate and sufficient steps to ensure that all persons intercepted on their way to or arriving on our shores, by whatever means, are treated with dignity, respect and in a way which does not impact adversely on their physical or mental well-being.
A Christian approach to this issue seeks to hold together the dignity of each and every human being as made in the image of God, love of neighbour, the provision for the alien and stranger in our midst, respect for the government and our responsibility as citizens in a civil society.

Clarifying school chaplaincy

Confusing the role of chaplains and the teaching of religious education in schools seems to have been the go in Victoria for some weeks now. It appeared in the national media via last Saturday’s The Weekend Australian. My mate and Access Ministries Board member, Ian Harper, replies here,

RELIGION in schools is a touchy subject and so it helps to be clear about definitions and categories. In making his case against chaplains in government schools, Christopher Bantick (“Chaplaincy program participants beyond a prayer”, The Weekend Australian, May 21-22) begins with a category confusion.

Chaplains funded by the federal government’s National Schools Chaplaincy Program, for which additional funding was announced in the budget this month, are appointed to provide pastoral care to students. Chaplains do not teach religion in schools. Religious instruction in government schools is entirely separate from chaplaincy. Nor are school chaplains necessarily Christian. Under NSCP guidelines, schools and their communities determine the “role, faith and/or denomination of the chaplain”.

See the article from yesterday’s Australian  here,  A place for spiritual and ethical guidance.

A Tribute to Greta Lo

This week I wrote the following letter to a dear friend, Christopher Lo, upon receiving news of the death of his mother, Greta Lo.

In asking Chris for permission to publish my letter to him I had in mind the encouragement I received from his mother’s life and ministry when I was a young man setting off on missionary work. I believe that this will be an encouragement to others as well.

Dear Chris,

We remember your mother with much affection and are saddened to hear of  her death.

We have a beautiful treasured remembrance of your mother which we have shared with many people both in Australia and around the world in our ministry.

Your mother had invited us to a meal, lunch early 1979 if I recall correctly, and we shared a warm time of fellowship with you and your mother.

Following the meal your mother recounted the story of working in the rice fields with her mother, your grandmother, in China. As they worked in the rice fields your grandmother sang a special song and her daughter, your mother, sang along with her.

Greta felt led to offer this song from China to encourage us as we left for the mission field in Argentina.

I recall the humble and gracious way in which Greta asked if we would mind if she sang the song in Mandarin, as it was the language in which her mother sang and the language in which Greta herself had heard and learnt the song. Naturally we were excited and agreed.

We have never forgotten the posture of adoration in which your mother stood to sing to her Lord. The sincerity of her worship and the power of the song affected us deeply.

What was the song? Greta explained that it was Psalm 121 and the promise of the Psalm was true. It was true in her mother’s life, in her life and it would be true in our life.

This was an extraordinary occasion of encouragement from a saint to a young family setting off on a venture of faith in the Lord.

The evening prior to our leaving for South America the Lord placed this Psalm on my heart as I prayed into the night.

A week later in Lima, Peru, we were at the home of the leader of the university student work in South America. Following the meal, Samuel’s wife Lily Escobar felt led of the Lord to offer a song of praise. She asked if we minded if she sang it in Spanish as this was the language in which she had learnt the song. We were delighted and agreed.

What was the song? I am sure you have guessed correctly! Yes, Psalm 121, the very song that your mother had offered in Mandarin! The Holy Spirit had inspired your mother to begin a ‘song chain of blessing’ for us. What joy in the family of Christ.

What an amazing God we have! PTL!

I am sure that we are not the only people who give thanks to God for Greta Lo, a woman of deep faith and trust in the Risen Christ.

Please let us know of the date of your mother’s Memorial Service in order that we might pray for all who attend that they might hear of Greta Lo’s Lord, of the Lord of all creation, of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and turn to and trust in Him.

We pray that they too might sing or say Psalm 121 and say with Greta Lo, ‘My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth’.

Yours sincerely in the grace and love of Christ,


For refelction, Death notices – a place of honouring and proclaiming

‘Free Too’ by C Thiele

I am speaking at a 200 Year Celebration of Tasmania’s first chaplain, the Reverend Robert Knopwood, at Prince’s Square in Launceston at 2pm Saturday. I found Chris Thiele’s historical novel about early Tasmania and in which the Chaplain Knopwood makes an appearance or two provided excellent orientation. I gladly accepted Chris’ invitation to write the following PREFACE  to ‘FREE TOO’,

Chris Thiele spins a good yarn. ‘Free Too’ is no exception.

His trade mark qualities, passion and enthusiasm, surge through the characters, their conversations, their contexts. Life in all its rawness and splendor infuse the story line. Raw gallow scenes with gibbet, gore, guts (but little glory!) accompanied by soldiers, convicts, weeping family and Tasmania’s peerless Reverend ‘Bobby’ Knopwood. Now there’s a cast! And Chris does them proud. Oh, I forgot- the maggots, the anxious hangman with his “Will the drop be right?”, and the splendor of kindness, courage, resilience, forgiveness and love.

What are the ingredients of a good story? Human drama: ‘Normality’ shattered by evil, suffering, struggle, failure, injustice, redemption, forgiveness and healing, set amongst the frailty of poor decisions, ignorance and innocence, betrayal – and the courage and commitment of true, tough loving that sacrifices self-interest for the wellbeing of neighbour. Moreover, a skilled story teller authenticates his tale with the sounds, sights and smells of his chosen settings. Thus to the infamous Tasmanian penal colony Chris goes – and cleverly takes us, his readers.

“Free Too” is peppered with conversations to savour. By way of example: Ever wondered about sea sickness? New chum, “How long does it take to get used to it(sea sickness)?” Old sailor, “A week or two should do it, some a little more. Don’t look down, look at tha’ horizon, might ‘elp.” “Does that help looking at the horizon?” “Dunno, neva’ been sick.”

The characters captivate deep truths to ponder. At a moment of savage encounter and impending retribution, a voice is raised, “Not to kill takes a far greater strength of character than to do what anger requests.” Is such strength possible? How might it be gained?

Chris is passionate about Tasmania, history and the God of life. In ‘Free Too’ he has wonderfully woven these passions into high adventure. We need more of this.

A gritty read. True to life, both then and now. Worth the price? Yeah. Buy two!

See the website, ‘FREE TOO’ by Chris Thiele.

Muslim push 4 Sharia in Oz

Disturbing submission from the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) to a national parliamentary committee.

THE nation’s peak Muslim group is using the Gillard government’s re-embracing of multiculturalism to push for the introduction of sharia in Australia, but it says it would be a more moderate variety of Islamic law that fits with Australian values.

This is bad news for Muslims in Australia.

This obviates the religious-socio-economic-military history of Islam. It is a return to Mohammad’s founding of the Islamic nation. Theocracy trumps democracy.

Muslims who feel alienated in Australia will feel increasingly so if they seek a separate legal apparatus, initially limited, to settle their affairs.

But as Tom of Melbourne (1:13 pm today) comments Sharia Law poses many questions and challenges that go to the very basis of Australian society:

Such a system is flawed, as there is no means by which to determine whether or not a person is ‘muslim’ and in turn whether or not they are subject to sharia law. If a person moves away from Islam, do they have to register that they are no longer a muslim. Whats to stop someone claiming that they are not a muslim to escape sharia law? What about moderate muslims who do not embrace all the particular doctrines of Islam? Far too many ‘what ifs’. Such systems have proven problematic in plural nations such as Malaysia. Australian law is the only law for Australians.

Article,  Muslims to push for sharia.

I believe all Australians must be subject to the same legislative, legal and judicial system.

This topic is treated on depth in Parts 2 and 4 of Islam: Human Rights and Public Policy, David Claydon (Editor), Acorn Press, Brunswick 2009 This website also includes a review by Moyra Dale which says in part,

In particular it(the book) explores the compatibility of Sharia law with western systems of law, and why Sharia is given priority over western systems or universal declarations when the inevitable clashes happen.  …

While the range of issues and perspectives is varied, the overall effect is to give a richness of contribution to a complex area of public discussion and policy. Islam does not separate between religion and government, and is vindicated by being in power. This brings critical questions about its interface with non-Muslim citizens and governments. I recommend the book for people wanting to understand and engage in the debate.

A lengthier review by Richard Shumack, Islam and Western Politics: A Delicate Dance, comments,

First are the political implications of the explicit rejection by traditional Islam of Secularism—and indeed any notion of a separation of religion and politics. The essays on this by Kit Wiley (Human Rights, Sharia Law and the Western Concept of Democracy) and John Azumah (The Sharia – Islamic Law) argue that Islam cannot be engaged with simply as a religion: the Sharia speaks individually and socially without distinction. They recognize that Islam maintains provisions for Muslims living as a minority faith in a non-Muslim country to abide by the laws of their context, however they point out this is not the Islamic ideal. Islamist agendas are clearly to, in time, replace secular states with Sharia ruled theocracies. It is recognized that there are different legal schools within Islam, but what is emphasized is the clear incompatibility of conservative schools of Sharia with Western democracy. These essays alone are worth the read.

A key theme for Australia: What is multicultural and multifaith Australia?

China: On God and Party

I heard a short extract on the ABC radio news this morning. This is yet another reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who do not have the freedom to follow Jesus in the way that we do in Australia. There is no shortage of spiritual passion for Christ in this pastor’s life. Please pray for him. An extract,

In the city of Wenzhou despite secret police looking on, a 70 year old pastor agrees to be interviewed, conscious of the very real risks.

“Now we have nothing to be afraid of …. because God is with us.” – Pastor Zheng Datong

He’s been imprisoned before for his beliefs – but that hasn’t made him waver in his convictions. But it is enough for him to protect his congregation from being exposed. Filming is out of the question.

And he’s right to be concerned. The Chinese government has become increasingly worried about any threat to the ‘social harmony’ – and the revolutions and unrest in the Middle East have kicked those concerns into high gear. Lawyers, bloggers, artists, anyone with the potential to challenge the central authority, have all been targeted – harassed, arrested or even disappeared.

It’s not so surprising, then, that in such a climate the unofficial evangelical churches, with their millions of adherents, are being singled out. And little wonder that reporting on those churches would attract the attention of the secret police.

It was only by avoiding normal phone or email contact that Stephen McDonell managed to meet the doyen of China’s growing evangelist movement, Samuel Lamb. Pastor Lamb has already spent much of his life in strife over his beliefs – but he relishes the heavy hand of authority.

“Oppression, then more believers. Oppression then more believers. We aren’t afraid because we know oppression simply leads to more believers.” – Pastor Samuel Lamb

The question is, can the State accept the idea that many of their citizens follow the word of their gods above the word of the Party?

Foreign Correspondent, 8pm tonight ABC1, China – True Believers.

Egyptian Church: update

Archbishop Mouneer brings an update of recent tragic events in Egypt, Update on the situation in Imbaba – Archbishop Mouneer Anis.

The damage we saw was indescribable. The area looked as if it was a battlefield, because of the many tanks and soldiers. I was moved by the story of one of the guards of St. Mary’s Church, who refused to denounce Jesus Christ and as a result, his throat was slit. This is at least the fifth tragic incident since the first day of the year, when a church was bombed in Alexandria. There is no doubt that inter-religious tension is growing in Egypt, and this needs a real strategic plan to combat it. This is what we are trying to do through Beth El-Eila.

I very much appreciate your prayers so that the Lord may transform this difficult situation.

We all hope that Egypt will be a safe place for all Egyptians.

May the Lord bless you!

Yours in Christ,

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis

Analysis of the role of the extreme sect ‘Salafists’ in the riots,

Judging the likely trajectory of post-Mubarak Egypt requires assessing the depth of public support for Islamism, and usually this has meant assessing the strength and intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood. While the Brotherhood remains central, however, the country is also facing a frequently violent upsurge of Salafist versions of Islam.

Article, Egypt’s Other Extremists: While the Muslim Brotherhood gets all the ink, the Salafists go on a rampage.

Anglican Mainstream has a range of substantial articles from around the world on the persecuted church, here.

Please note for your diaries that Archbishop Mouneer is a keynote speaker at next year’s CMS Summerview Conference, 12-15 January in Tasmania. Plan to join us.