John Stott ‘Tio Juan’ has died

John Stott was a teacher of the way of Christ who firmly rooted his life and ministry in the Bible.  He has died at the age of 90.

John Stott’s ministry in South America over the 1980’s was a humble modelling of the humility and servant heart of the Great Teacher, his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. The following story from Argentina exemplifies his character:

Latin American theologian Rene Padilla remembers vividly one of his early encounters with Stott. “On the previous night we had arrived in Bariloche, Argentina, in the middle of heavy rain. The street was muddy and, as a result, by the time we got to the room that had been assigned to us, our shoes were covered with mud. In the morning, as I woke up, I heard the sound of a brush—John was busy, brushing my shoes. ‘John!’ I exclaimed full of surprise, ‘What are you doing?’ ‘My dear René,’ he responded, ‘Jesus taught us to wash each other’s feet. You do not need me to wash your feet, but I can brush your

Even in the midst of an anti-Western paradigm of liberation theology who could withstand such love and not listen to his message of love in Christ? Certainly not the South Americans with whom I had the privilege of sharing and learning from “Tio Juan” ( as he was affectionately called in Spanish; in English ‘Uncle John’).

John Stott supported our university ministry through his teaching and also our literature ministry. As we worked to build an South American literature ministry of writers and Certeza, the publisher and bookshops, John Stott gave wisdom, encouragement and financial support. He was an enthusiastic supporter of our ‘Pastors’ Library’ program via Certeza.

As a young Christian in the early 1970’s I read books by John Stott and he became, with Leon Morris, one of my most read and recommended writers. John Stott has contributed and continues to contribute greatly to my life and I thank God for him.

I join in praising God for his life and I thank God for the privilege of learning from “Tio Juan”.

See article, John Stott has died  and  for your encouragement a John Stott Remembrance Book.

The Dean: Praying 4 Norway

Message sent from the Dean of Hobart:

Praying for Norway and your Cathedral

To the Dean of Oslo Cathedral

Dear Olav

I write to assure you of our prayers for your Country and Cathedral. Sadly we have experienced such senseless loss in our own Tasmanian community with the Port Arthur Massacre just over 15 years ago and are aware of the ongoing impact of such events. We set apart at that time a portion of our Cathedral as The Chapel of Hope so that people could pray in the midst of tragedy and the Chapel remains for that purpose today.

It is our prayer that the risen Christ will bring hope to your community, that the Father of all comfort with be with all those who
have suffered loss and that the Holy Spirit will intercede for those who do not know how or what to pray.

I and Bishop John Harrower particularly pray for you and your Bishop and the load that this will bring on you both that you will be
sustained through it so you may be able to console others.

Yours in Christ’s service

Richard Humphrey

Dean of Hobart


Also background information, Norwegian killer: a Christian fundamentalist?

Collegiate School visit

I spent a fulfilling day at St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. A report: From the Chaplain…

 Bishop’s Day 2011 – Soup and Scones

This week the School Visitor, The Right Reverend John Harrower OAM, Bishop of Tasmania enjoyed his annual Bishop’s Day at Collegiate. The day started with House Chapel at 8.25 am where the senior girls were challenged to live in community together with greater patience. Bishop John then visited a Textiles class, two Art classes, before accompanying me to my first Faith and Life lesson with a new group of Year 7s where, amongst other things, we discussed how we were like and unlike the Moon. The girls soon realised that the ability to even think about and discuss such a seemingly absurd question puts them in a unique and privileged position compared with most things in our universe. From there, questions ranging through what happens when we die, to does life have any inherent meaning or purpose, were posed and considered. Bishop John then had morning tea with the Senior and Middle School Staff where we all enjoyed Dale Norman’s justly famous scones.

Following meetings with the Principal and Chair of the Board it was time for soup with the 2011 Confirmees. John enjoyed the opportunity to meet, encourage and enquire of these girls who will, in October, publically acknowledge their commitment to Christ. After making a guest appearance at Middle/Senior School Assembly John headed up to the Junior School for an afternoon of prayer and stillness with the Preps, story book time with the Kindergarten children, art with the Year 3s and a visit to our Early Learning Centre. More scones and other delicacies rounded off the day with an afternoon tea with the Junior School Staff.

Bishop John enjoyed his day at Collegiate tremendously, talking of how it lifted his spirits and provided a welcome respite from his desk.

Shalom (Peace),

Scott Sargent, School Chaplain

My own thanks to the Principal, Chaplain and all who made my time so meaningful. Also, my thanks to Mrs Chris Jones for giving me a copy of the very lovely children’s book “You are very special” by Su Box, which I was delighted to read to the Preps at Story Time. The story concludes with a life giving surprise.

‘Malaysia solution’: Australia’s shame

I fully support the following Response to the “Malaysia Solution” from the Anglican Church’s Migrants and Refugees Network:

The Chairman of the Network and Archbishop of Adelaide, Jeffrey Driver, has described as appalling a decision by Immigration Minister Chris Bowen to send child asylum seekers to Malaysia as part of the “Malaysian solution”.

“The Minister is intent on breaking the people smuggling racket and especially discouraging families from sending minors on boats to Australia,” Archbishop Driver said.

“While the Minister has said he never wants to bury children again who have drowned in boat incidents on the Australian coast he is willing to send them to what is little better than a third world prison camp.”

“I welcome the softening of the Minister’s stance announced today, but continue to be appalled that the Minister could consider sending any unaccompanied minors to Malaysia,” Archbishop Driver said.

“Unaccompanied minors should not be turned away from our care. There actually is a blanket rule with regards to minors and it is called the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act. The Federal Court of Australia has ruled that the guardianship responsibilities under the Act include ensuring the fundamental human rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This includes acting in their best interests and ensuring they have access to legal advice and representation.”

“Australian law recognises that minors are more vulnerable than adults. Mr Bowen, please do not protect just some of the unaccompanied minors who come to our shores. In your formal capacity as their Guardian, protect them all.”

Archbishop Driver said that there was “no way” sending any asylum seeker children to Malaysia was in their best interests.

“There are very real reasons to believe that these children will be at risk in these camps. As Australians, do we want that responsibility on our hands?”

“Most of these children have already fled trauma. As Guardian of these children, and as a signatory to the UNHCR convention, the Minister cannot abrogate his responsibilities and send any children to suffer the risk of further persecution and possible trauma.

“If the Government is really serious about stopping the boat people why does the Minister not start processing refugee cases properly and fairly in countries of first asylum such as Pakistan, Iran and Syria.

“Of course, we do not condone people smugglers and the huge profits they make trafficking vulnerable people but why are we punishing the victims instead of the perpetrators?”

I have written elsewhere on this blog of discrimination and lack of fair process in Malaysia: Malaysia: ‘Allah’ Bibles released. How the Australian Government can entrust asylum seekers and especially the vulnerable to the care of the Malaysian Government defies belief. If the Christian community of Malaysia has to mount massive legal action against the Malaysian Government in order for the historic name for God, Allah, to continue to be used in the Bible; what hope has a refugee child or woman to gain fair and reasonable, let alone compassionate, treatment?

Shame, Australia, shame!

See,  When it comes to boat people: whatever happened to ‘concern for the underdog’?  and  Political power & Leaky Boats

I recently sent this letter to Prime Minister Gillard and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Tony Abbott:

Dear Prime Minister,

Treatment of Refugees

I write on behalf of Tasmania’s Anglican community regarding the current issue of the treatment of refugees in Australia.

The Synod meeting in June requested the Bishop to write to both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Federal Opposition to communicate the following:

  1. that members of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania do nor minimise the complexity of issue surrounding the arrival on our shores of men, women and children; however
  2. that the Synod, affirming unambiguously the clear teaching of Scripture about the value of every person in the sight of God, urges that the Government take immediate and sufficient steps to ensure that all persons seeking asylum in Australia by whatever means, are treated with dignity, respect and in a way which does not impact adversely their physical or mental well-being.

I urge your government to respond positively to these decisions of the Synod of the Anglican Church of Tasmania.

Yours sincerely

John D Harrower OAM

Bishop of Tasmania

Reply:  The Hon Tony Abbott (Leader of the Opposition)

Also, Asylum Seekers: a Christian approach.

11th anniversary of bishoping

 It just seems yesterday  🙂  The 25th July is St James’ Day in the Church’s calendar and it is the day on which I was ordained a bishop and installed (not a brilliant word but in my view preferrable to ‘enthroned’) as Bishop of Tasmania.

 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them Jesus gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder”) Mark 3: 17   This ‘James’ is referred to as James the Greater not to be confused with James the brother of Jesus who presided at the Jerusalem Council, Acts 15.

I have often reflected on Jesus’ calling of these two fiery brothers, “sons of thunder”, to follow him, the Prince of Peace.

Certainly there are grounds for disagreeing with Jesus’ choice of James and John to be among the 12 disciples and indeed to be members of Jesus’ inner circle of 3 apostles along with Peter (surely another woeful choice of a measured and erudite apostle/ leader?).

Recall the reaction of James and John to the refusal of a Samaritan village to offer accommodation to Jesus?

54 When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” 55 But Jesus turned and rebuked them. 56 Then he and his disciples went to another village.   Luke 9:54-56

How then does John become the one to whom Jesus entrusts the care of his mother, Mary, at the crucifixion? How does James become the first Apostle to be martyred for teaching about Jesus? Note: James did not lead a violent struggle by fiery fighting or fiery burnings and death by sword against the ruling classes but rather by prayer and teaching). James’ symbol is a scallop shell (he was a fisherman)not a spear. The way of Christ is examined and transformed by Christ, see Norwegian killer: a Christian fundamentalist?

Transformation comes through looking to and being with Jesus. Surely James and John were transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit and their 3 years spent with Jesus Christ and then with his followers after Christ’s death and resurrection, Acts 1 and 2.

Dear Father of faithfulness continue to parent me with tender strength that I may grow in the likeness of Christ and show forth in my life the fruit of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ precious name, in the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God. Amen.

I continue to pray the blessing I wrote for and prayed at my ordination in 2000, A Blessing for Tasmania.

Norwegian killer: a Christian fundamentalist?

Driving to Triabunna to preach on today’s Gospel reading on some Parables of the Kingdom in Matthew 13, I heard a radio report on Norwegian killer, Anders Breivik, who described himself as a ‘Christian fundamentalist’. See, SMH report.

I was shocked at this affront to Christ and his teaching. I was distressed that somebody could claim Christ’s name and yet deny Christ’s rule: the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus Christ gave his life for others. Jesus never killed anybody nor did he ask his followers to kill on his behalf.

In fact when one of Jesus’ disciples sought to defend him at his arrest in Gethsemane, Jesus tells Peter to put the sword away.

Jesus Christ  teaches us to love our enemies and to turn the other cheek, not to kill our enemies. Even when we are being given a hard time we are to go the extra mile and to give our coat as well. We are to care for all, even our perceived ‘protagonists’, eg, the Parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ own example of drinking water with a Samaritan woman.

Why then would a killer describe himself as a follower of Jesus Christ?

Religion has too often been co-opted by individuals, groups, movements and states to bolster their power over peoples and situations. Too often the institution of the Church has acquiesced to this partnership and its corruption. Consider for example the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Conquistadores in South America. Thankfully, there are those followers of Christ who have stood against this corruption of the Body of Christ.

I find it sobering to bear in mind the One who confronts anyone who claims to be a Christian. Is it not Christ? The One who confronts ‘Christian’ labelling is Christ. Christ is the critic of each and every Christian. Hence the measure of Anders Breivik’s claim to be a ‘Christian fundamentalist’ is Christ. Interestingly, the Norwegian community gathered to grieve at the Cathedral in Oslo: a statement of the wider community on the true the way of Christ.

In like manner, the standard that confronts anyone who claims to be a Muslim is the Qur’an with the Tradition and Sharia Law. A person may claim to be an ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ but how does this measure up against the teachings of  these authorities?

(Reader please note that it is the Qur’an with the Tradition and Sharia Law, and not Muhammad, that occupies the authoritative place in Islam that Jesus occupies in Christianity. e.g., Islam is submission; Christianity is Christ-ianity).

If I, as a Christian, ask that people examine carefully the claims of ‘Christian fundamentalists’ by the standards of Christ; I must be prepared to give Muslims the same respect and allow the careful examination of the claims of ‘Islamic fundamentalists’ to be measured by the Quran, Traditions and Sharia Law.

I would prefer Andres Breivik to be called a ‘madman’ rather than a Christian fundamentalist.

Similarly, we may find that Muslims prefer the Taliban to be called madmen rather than Islamic fundamentalists.

Judging a religion by madmen claiming its name is not the way to judge a religion and its adherents.


NOTE RE TODAY’S LECTIONARY READING in the Gospel according to Matthew 13:44-58.:

I commented on the above issue in my sermon as a teacher using something ‘new’ :“Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”  Mt 13:52 and referring to Mt 13:44ff,  the salutory parable of the net and separation of the fish both ‘good and bad’. The Parable of the Net47 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. 48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. 49 This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous 50 and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”).

Christ is the critic and final judge, therefore follow closely the way of Christ; live as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, today!

Tweeting Synod: Healthy for whom?

My initial ponderings on tweeting during Synod. Comments welcome. Please be gentle! A bishop seeking wisdom.

Observation: Some members of our recent Synod used social media during Synod presentations and debates to communicate with people on their networks who may or may not have been members of Synod.

The social media mainly used  during Synod was Twitter but could also have included Facebook, blogs and texting.

Context: Synod comprises close to 200 Anglican ordained and lay people who meet annually over 2 days to discuss and debate various issues, set a financial budget and also enact legislation for the Anglican community in Tasmania. The sessions are mainly open to the public, including the media. However when Synod is meeting “in committee” the matters discussed are confidential and no outside communication is permitted. For example, the media may well be asked to leave during those times.

Culture: We have been prayerfully working at developing an open, transparent and caring culture which shows forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit and which nourishes our life as a healthy church transforming life.

Responses: “Various” responses (what would you expect/we are Anglican!) The responses have varied from “A good use of technology to inform the folk at home, Tasmania, the world” through to “Aah! How rude.” and “What are they saying about us?”

Reasons ‘In Favour’ and ‘Against’:

In Favour of members of Synod using social media during the sitting of Synod:

1. Synod is a public forum and social media allows non-Synod members to know what is going on.

2. Using social media is educational – both members and non-members can learn about the procedures and issues confronting Synod.

3.  The use of social media is simply another form of communication between Synod members. After all, Synod members talk at tables during Synod, some pass notes and some even ‘wander around’ occasionally!

Against members of Synod using social media during the sitting of Synod:

1. The negative impact on the effectiveness of Synod participation. If a synod member is using social media during Synod, this reduces their capacity to attend to what is happening at the time.

2. It also raises the question as to which audience a person using social media is addressing. Are they able to address both the Synod of which they are a member and the members of their social media network?

3. The use of social media shows a lack of politeness and respect for other members of Synod. When a Synod member is speaking it is expected that the other members of Synod would give them their due attention. Against this, it is noted that some Synod members are seen reading books or magazines and they are not attending to Synod either. However, this strikes me as a weak argument: just because someone else is doing something impolite, does not make my similar behaviour acceptable.

4. There is a danger of miscommunication. During an ongoing session of Synod any comment on the progress of a debate is by definition partial: it does not give a full picture of the debate. Partial information can be misleading.

5. It is also possible for inaccurate information and misunderstandings to be communicated by social media to people outside of Synod. This could be unfair to particular members of Synod and Synod as a whole because the majority of Synod members are unaware of the information or misinformation being communicated. There is little possibility of correction.

6. Silencing the reticent synod speakers. An unintended social consequence of the use of social media during Synod is that it will inhibit the participation of some Synod members. This inhibition will come about due to the embarrassment that a Synod member may well experience when they make a mistake of fact, emphasis or protocol in their speaking to Synod. In our conservative Anglo-Saxon Tasmanian culture, some people find it difficult to speak in front of a large audience such as Synod. The knowledge that what they are saying is being reported even as they speak by social media is likely to silence some Synod members.

7. Another issue is that some members of Synod will be aware of some of the communications by Synod members using social media but others will not. A key aspect of Synod is that all people have the same access to information to inform their decision making.

8. How is the chairperson of Synod included in the social media information flow/conversations? I would have to say that as President of Synod it would be very difficult to both chair the Synod and be reading Facebook, tweets, texts and blogs!

*Some Principles:

Relationships are the key to our life together in Christ. Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

Technology has the power to both nurture and damage people, therefore we must be wise in its use.

Social Media is an extension of our tongue. James 3:8-10 “No one can tame the tongue – a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with is we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so.”

My questions:

a. How are relationships within the whole Body of Christ nurtured?

b. How is a healthy conversation of the Synod as a whole to be gained?

c. What role might social media play in nurturing such a healthy conversation?

What thinketh thee?

Piracy – The Mission to Seafarers

Below is a letter that I recently sent to The Honourable Kevin Rudd, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. I encourage you to be in prayer about this issue.

Dear Minister,

On behalf of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania and particularly the Mission to Seafarers we thank you for the Federal Government’s part in combating international piracy in various locations including the Arabian Sea. We also urge the Federal Government to continue its efforts in combating piracy on the high seas and take every effort to protect the often-disadvantaged seafarers who are on the frontline of this danger.

The Mission to Seafarers, an Anglican organisation dedicated to the well being of seafarers, operates in ports around Tasmania and Australia. Many of the seafarers who come through the doors of the various stations have faced the threat of kidnapping or even death as they work in often-difficult conditions aboard the vessels that ply their trade across the world.

We respectfully request that you inform us of the Federal Government’s ongoing efforts to protect seafarers in this regard.

Yours sincerely,

John D Harrower OAM

Bishop of Tasmania

Reply letter:  The Hon Kevin Rudd MP – Piracy

Chaplaincy: Fed Review gives ‘OK’

Good news from the Federal Govt’s review of chaplaincy services in schools:

A FEDERAL investigation into the Christian group that provides religious  education in Victorian schools has found no evidence that its chaplains tried to  convert students in breach of government guidelines.

But  federal Education Minister Peter Garrett said the investigation  found   there had been no breach of the guidelines and no further action would be taken.  He  said he had received an explanation for the comments made by Dr Paddison and  was satisfied the group was not trying to convert students.

Awaiting news in October of the Victorian Education Department’s investigation into proselytising in religious instruction classes.

Legal challenge continues:

The finding comes as Victoria announced it had joined a Queensland father in  challenging the constitutional validity of the national school chaplaincy  program, arguing the scheme is beyond the federal government’s powers.

Legal observers believe the case is a test of the ability of the federal  government to use its financial muscle to bypass the states and directly fund  programs in areas that have been considered state responsibilities.

Read more: Christian group cleared of urging students to convert

Also, Clarifying school chaplaincy

10 Tests for mission initiatives

From the Anglican Communion News Service

The English Diocese of Liverpool has set ten ‘tests’ for any proposed initiatives to help churches avoid doing anything that might hinder the work of God’s mission.

The diocese, which has 250 churches in both rural and urban settings in the north of the country, is said to be working towards “a sustainable, led and transforming Christian presence in every community in the diocese to enable all to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God”

Does each area of work or initiative:

  1. Encourage growth numerically or in spirituality?
  2. Support and reflect the church that we wish to become?
  3. Affirm mutual support and collaboration within the diocese?
  4. Strengthen relationships between parishes?
  5. Recognise the ethos and the characteristics of the diocese particularly highlighting issues peculiar to the diocese.
  6. Take appropriate account of the sustainability and viability issues of church buildings and congregations ?
  7. Provide for accountability throughout every step of the initiative within the diocese and beyond?
  8. Present an appropriate stewardship challenge?
  9. Provide appropriate support for local decision-making?
  10. Is the proposed system or process transparent and easily understood?

Are your mission initiatives assisted by considering these criteria?