East Africa famine prayer info

While looting rampages engulf England drought ravages Somalia and the Horn of Africa, see 29,000 Somali children under 5 dead in famine.

The Guardian Editorial seeks reasons for the crisis, here.

Tim Costello of World Vision reports on the situation, here

African Church leaders launch appeal, here.

Anglicord information on the East Africa (Horn of Africa) drought, here

TEAR Australia on East Africa food crisis, here.

 Prayer for the Famine in Somalia

Loving God,

we bring before You the people of Somalia who are currently experiencing extreme drought and famine.  We do not know them personally, but we share a common bond as human beings, created in Your image. Our hearts go out to them in this time of crisis, as many find themselves in desperate circumstances—without food, without shelter, without hope.

There seems to be so little that we can do for them. The pictures on the news are difficult to watch, and we’d often rather look away. But you have called us to be your hands and feet in our world; to speak and act for those who cannot speak and act for themselves.

So we pray that Your Holy Spirit would prompt us to action.  Give us generous hearts, to share freely with those who have nothing. Give us courage to speak on their behalf to those who are shaping our country’s response. Give us perseverance, to continue to pray fervently for their welfare.

God, grant us Your mercy as we seek to live out our calling as Your disciples. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

– Christine Longhurst http://re-worship.blogspot.com/   Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Children’s or Same Sex rights?

Margaret Somerville,

“SAME-SEX marriage creates a clash between upholding the human rights of children with respect to their coming into being and the family structure in which they will be reared, and the claims of homosexual adults who wish to marry a same-sex partner.

“It forces us to choose between giving priority to children’s rights or to homosexual adults’ claims.

“Opposite sex marriage does not raise this conflict, because children’s rights and adults’ claims with respect to marriage are consistent. I oppose discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and support legalising civil partnerships. But, I also believe that marriage should remain defined as being between a man and a woman.

“My reasons go to the nature of marriage as the societal institution that symbolises and protects the inherently reproductive relationship that exists between a man and a woman and, thereby, establishes children’s human rights regarding their biological origins and the family structure in which they are reared. . . .

“In conclusion, legalising same-sex marriage would be a very powerful statement against the horrible wrong of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. We clearly need such statements. But, in order to uphold the human rights of children, they should be made in other ways than legalising same-sex marriage.”

Excellent full article, It’s all about the children, not selfish adults

Australian-Canadian ethicist Margaret Somerville is Samuel Gale professor of law, professor in the faculty of medicine, and founding director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law at McGill University, Montreal.

I have yet to receive a satisfactory answer to my question: Marriage: Why not a threesome? – And, “Yes” it is relevant. Polygamy is alive and well and if we allow same-sex couples the right to marrage why would we not approve of the love between polygamist familiy units the privilege of marraige?

See,  Marriage: Why not a threesome?  and  Gay advocate: Don’t call it marriage  and  Definition of Marriage: Letter responses from Australian politicians;  and  Tasmanian Labour Conference backs same-sex marriage.


“Someone else’s child is not a ”cure” for infertility, and no one, whether gay,  straight, single, married, young or old, should be entitled to such a child –  despite current thinking to the contrary –  especially when that child’s own  human rights are ignored. The only circumstance in which this ought to happen is  when  the child has continuing contact with their donor parent.”

Read more: Our selfish creation of human life  and I am grateful that in the circumstances Senator Wong and her partner are intending to do this for the IVF child her partner is carrying, Penny Wong and gay partner expecting baby.

GFC crisisofcredit.com visualised

YouTube Preview ImageGiven the continuing global credit crisis I was reminded of this visualised presentation by Jonathan Jarvis. When I last looked it had received over 1 million hits for Part 1 and over 1/2 million for Part 2 – an interesting statistic re attention spans and/or the usefulness of the video? I have shown the combined (and shorter) version because I find the continuous flow of the presentation helpful.  But  if you want to view of Part 1 simply click on www.crisisofcredit.com.  Enjoy!

Professor Ian Harper of Deloitte Access Economics lists the key players and a brief summary comment to assist thinking through the issues raised by the video presentation of the GFC,

Who were the key players at fault?

§Chinese savers?
§US consumers?
§US Federal Reserve?
§Investment banks?
§Commercial banks?
§Mortgage brokers?
§Home borrowers?
§Bank regulators?
The GFC has underlying economic causes which were blown out of proportion by greed, arrogance and indifference
Governments have no choice but to bail out institutions which are ‘too big to fail’
Regulations imposed on banks and other lenders are being tightened
But new laws cannot make us behave morally

Wisdom about bullying

Below is an excerpt from a helpful article regarding the issue of  ‘bullying’ from the Head of the Senior School at The Hutchins School, Duncan Warlters:

In her research, Cross (2009) indicates that cyberbullying occuring online is in the form of emails, internet messages, text messages, using others’ passwords, posting pictures on the web, pictures on mobile phones, exclusion on the web and sending viruses.  It is also interesting to note from the research that boys are more inclined than girls to ignore the bullying, ask the bully to stop or turn off/block the bully. These are the most appropriate and best methods of dealing with cyberbullying. There is also a need to report it to parents, the carriage provider or even the school.

In the Senior School, mentors have been asked to discuss the role, importance and obligation of bystanders to be more active when they see bullying occurring.

To see the rest of the insightful article and other helpful links click here

Also from Hutchins, Cybersafety Watch.

Brian Roberts BCA on Prayer

“Looking Forward, Looking Back: Brian’s Last Say”

Brian Roberts was Farewelled as National Director of BCA at St Anne’s in Ryde on Sunday 15th of May 2011.

A key question: What would Brian speak about? – Answer: Some of his prayers from Tasmania! Read on,

There is a famous quote from the 1994 movie Forrest Gump “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Life is full of surprises; you can never quite know what is around the next turn. Our God is one who surprises in many different ways!

1 John 5:14-15 talks about the confidence we have in drawing near to God through prayer when we pray in line with his will. Time and time again, over these past two decades I have seen God answer our prayers in unexpected ways. In ways which surprised me. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. Let me tell you about 5 prayer requests.

To hear the encouraging stories of Brian’s 5 prayer requests, all of which he made as a young BCA Missioner at the mining town of Zeehan on the West Coast of Tasmania, read the rest of the article on page 3 of BCA Editorial – “Looking Forward, Looking Back: Brian’s Last Say”

Be encouraged in the ministry of prayer.

You are warmly invited to join us in pray at the Prayer Gatherings.

Synod Motion: Definition of Marriage & MP’s Replies

“Definition of Marriage” – Responses to the letter I sent to several federal politicians regarding the Synod of the Anglican Church of  Tasmania’s resolution regarding the definition of marriage:

Dear …. ,
Definition of Marriage
I write on behalf of Tasmania’s Anglican community regarding the Definition of Marriage.
The Synod meeting in June confirmed its commitment to the definition of marriage under Commonwealth law, that is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life.
I would ask that you bring this resolution of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania to your deliberations on this issue.
Yours sincerely
John D Harrower OAM
Bishop of Tasmania

Here are some responses I have received thus far:

Bishop’s Prayer Gathering Program

The Bishop’s Prayer Gathering is being held at four locations around Tasmania over July and August 2011.

  • Saturday 30 July, St George’s Burnie 10-3:30pm
  • Saturday 6 August, St Barnabas’ Launceston 10-3:30pm
  • Saturday 13 August, St Luke’s Taroona 10-3:30pm
  • Saturday 20 August, St Thomas’ Howrah 10-3:30pm

The aim is to pray. Thus the Prayer Gathering is distinct from the Seminars on Prayer and the Tasmanian Bible Forum on prayer. The Program Outline gives an indication of the progress of our prayer through the day.

To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives. The more we pray, the more we come to heartbeat of God. Prayer starts the communication process between ourselves and God. All the options of life fall before us. At that point we will either forsake our prayer life and cease to grow, or we will pursue our prayer life and let Him change us.
Richard Foster

10.00  Opening Prayer

  • video: “Be still” (Worship House Media)                                                             

10.05  Greetings & Overview of the Gathering

10:15  Bishop’s Reflection 1

  • Hosea 2:14; 2 Chronicles 7:14;
  • video: “The Skinny on Prayer” (Worship House Media)

10:35 Shared Experiences of Prayer (forum)

11:00  Prayer Segment 1 (20 Minutes)

  • A time of adoration, Psalm 100

Prayer Segment 2 (20 Minutes)

  • A time of confession, Nehemiah 1:1-11; 1 John 1:5-2:2

Prayer Segment 3 (20 minutes)

  • A time of thanksgiving, I Chronicles 29:10-20
  • video: “How you should pray” (Worship House Media)

Prayer Segment 4 (20 Minutes)

  • A time of silence, Luke 5:16

12:30 Lunch

1:00  Bishop’s Reflection 2 

  • Acts 12:1, 3-17; Philippians 1:3-11, A Blessing for Tasmania

1:20    Prayer Segment 5 (15 Minutes)

  • Pray for Youth & Families
  • video: “Psalm 139” (Worship House Media)

Prayer Segment 6 (15 Minutes)

  • Pray for Sectors of Society (education, media, judicial, etc.)

Prayer Segment 7 (15 minutes)

  • Pray for Local & National Government Leaders

Prayer Segment 8 (15 Minutes)

  • Pray for the Church, Revival

Prayer Segment 9 (15 Minutes)

  • Open Prayer (Pray for reconciliation, healing and personal matters)

2:40 Shared Experiences of Prayer (forum)

3:30 Benediction/Closing

  • Ephesians 3:20-21

Come when you can, go when you must 🙂

Euthanasia? Woman locked in her body

No one has the right to switch off a human life… I should know: One woman’s story of being locked inside her own body

A long but important comment from an absolutely outstanding article that is a “must read.” It’s a long article, so I have just copied the following:

Should you or I fall ill tonight and find ourselves, as I once did, unable to speak or move or cry, the danger of someone making the decision to end our lives for us would be greater than ever before. For death has been given a facelift. We are encouraged to think of it as a gentle walk down a white corridor to a beautiful place. We hear talk of dignity in death, as if there were no dignity to be had in a life that is not the one of an able and productive person. And while the law seems willing to bend and flex to this point of view, who speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves? Who considers whether the ‘options’ of life or death look rather different from a patient’s point of view?

I believe that every life that ends at Dignitas (assisted suicide facility), and every dependent patient who is ‘allowed to die’ by starvation, erodes my right to live. It normalises this kind of death, and it sanitises what is an abhorrent practice. In order to label this practice as something other than what it is — killing — the law has been fudged and euphemisms applied.

Death through the withdrawal of food and water is not a gentle walk down a white corridor. It is, according to a doctor friend, about as painful and unpleasant an end as one can imagine. We would not subject an animal to it.

It is possible that many of those who have died this way have suffered extreme anxiety, burning sensations all over their bodies, and searing pain in their kidneys that even the strongest medication can do nothing to ease. And yet, this is the death that more and more believe is the ‘dignified’ way to go.

And what about those who are left behind? Do we really believe that gradual desensitisation to killing has no impact on the rest of society?

By creating a world in which death happens whenever it is deemed convenient, are we not gradually erasing what was once an important part of our life experience? The experience of death itself: the natural loss of our loved ones, no matter how long and difficult the journey to the end may be.

A good and dignified death is not determined by schedules, budgets or the patience of a third party, it is one that teaches us the most about the realities of love and life. 

Read more: No one has the right to switch off a human life… I should know: One woman’s story of being locked inside her own body  and a further testimony from a long term sufferer opposing assisted suicide/ euthanasia, this time from Australia, No dignity in euthanasia.

Anglicare Snapshot “Saying Thanks”

An excerpt from the most recent Anglicare Snapshot:

Saying thanks

A man whose life was saved by a Tasmanian police officer has thanked him – 22 years after the event.

“When we first met it was not on the best of terms – I was sitting on the top of the bridge and was going to jump,” said Stephen Bakes. “David put his handcuffs around me and I let fly with a lot of words. But since then, my life has changed and I have him to thank for that”.

Stephen was reunited with Senior Sergeant David Bray in Hobart recently after he was tracked down by Anglicare at Stephen’s request.

“I always said that if I got the chance I’d want to shake his hand and say thank you,” said Stephen. “Today I’ve been given that chance”.

Full story here

Ideas for action:  Participate in a Mental Health First Aid course; say thank you to people who have made a positive difference in your life – a parent, mentor, friend, teacher etc; hold regular Thanksgiving services at your church.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe”. (Hebrews 12:28 NIV)

Click here for more news from Anglicare Tasmania

Thanking the Prime Minister for funding School Chaplaincy

A recent letter I have written to Prime Minister Julia Gillard thanking her for her Government’s funding of the national School Chaplaincy program:

Dear Prime Minister,

Funding for School Chaplains

I write on behalf of Tasmania’s Anglican community regarding Federal Government funding for School Chaplains.

The Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania met last month in Launceston gathering together some 175 delegates from around our island state. This is an annual meeting where matters of concern are debated and legislation approved for the good order of the Anglican community.

The Synod passed a motion requesting the Bishop of Tasmania to write to the Prime Minister expressing thanks to the Federal Government for its ongoing and increased funding of the School Chaplaincy Program.

The Synod also asked me to pass on to you its thanks for your government’s defence of the legal challenge to the validity of the School Chaplaincy funding in the High Court of Australia.

Yours in appreciation,

John D Harrower OAM

Bishop of Tasmania

Response of behalf of Prime Minister Gillard:

The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP (Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth)