Tas Anglicans 169 Years Young

Today is a birthday for the Diocese, as was Monday actually as well!

How come?

The Diocese of Tasmania was created by Letters Patent on August 21, 1842, thus making it the oldest Diocese in Australia.  The Diocese of Australia existed until 1847 when it ceased and was divided into the diocese of Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne and Adelaide.

On August 24, 1842 Bishop Nixon was consecrated the first Bishop of Tasmania.

Tasmanian Anglicans have a great heritage, let us give thanks to God for all those that have gone before us and pray for God to continue to build his church in Tasmania.

Synod Motion: Euthanasia & MP’s Replies

Below is the letter I have recently sent to the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Premier of Tasmania, Tasmanian Senators and members of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly:

Dear …


I write on behalf of Tasmania’s Anglican community regarding the current issue of euthanasia.

The Synod meeting in June affirmed the Anglican Church of Tasmania’s belief that all human life is made in the image of God and is precious in His sight, as well our belief that a just society will seek to protect the weak and vulnerable.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide weakens the protection and care of the elderly, people living with disabilities, infants and children: the vulnerable.

I wish to express the Anglican Church of Tasmania’s opposition to voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide as we strongly request that you oppose any initiative to legislate for voluntary euthanasia or physician assisted suicide.

Instead we implore the State and Federal Government to provide adequate funding for palliative care services across Tasmania and the nation.

Yours sincerely

John D Harrower OAM

Bishop of Tasmania

MP’s replies:

For the Sake of Marriage!

An urgent message from Jim Wallace, Managing Director of Australian Christian Lobby:

If we care about marriage we must act… could I ask that your churches be exhorted to respond to this and to go to the www.makeastand.org.au website and access the campaign Man+Wife 4 Life and send an email to their politician.  This is made very easy to do there and they should also sign the petition at the same time as it will be presented on next Wed and it is once again important that it can at least match anything thrown up by the other side.

Clearly the time imperative here, (emails must be sent by end work next Mon) means we must have our churches send this out on their email lists or we will not act in time.

Also see my blog here with a letter that I have sent to politicians re the current definition of marriage and their responses.

Australian Christian Books of the Year!

Acorn Press Media Release:

Acorn Press is delighted to inform you that two of its books won awards at the 2011 SPCK Australian Christian Book of the Year Awards in Melbourne.

Professor Ian Harper’s book, Economics For Life, won first prize in the awards, worth $2500.

The late Bishop John Wilson’s book, Christianity Alongside Islam, won second prize, worth $1000.

The Chair of the Acorn Press board, the Rev’d Paul Arnott, said he was thrilled by the awards.

“Both awards are a wonderful tribute to John Wilson’s passion for Australian Christian writing. John had the vision for Ian’s book, which is expertly crafted, and succeeds admirably in addressing a wide range of economic and faith issues in a country that often worships the almighty dollar.”

He said, “John’s own book on Christianity and Islam is beautifully written. It is the fruit of a decade’s reflection on the world’s two largest religious faiths and provides us with a rich picture of both the Muslim and Christianity, as they are laid alongside each other. They are many similarities and some striking contrasts.”

Details of the books can be found on the Acorn website at www.acornpress.net.au

SPCKA Media Release:

One of the nation’s leading economists has won the Christian Book of the Year award with a book he regards as one of his most significant contributions to civic life in Australia.

Emeritus Professor Ian Harper of Melbourne Business School, now a director of Access Economics, won the first prize for ‘Economics for Life’, awarded at the 31st Australian Christian Literature Awards on Thursday, 18 August 2011 in Melbourne.

Subtitled ‘An economist reflects on the meaning of life, money and what really matters’, Professor Harper proclaims economics a good servant but a bad master. One of three panellists appointed in January 2011 by the Baillieu Government of Victoria to carry out an Independent Review of State Finances, Harper declares that ‘economics makes a valuable contribution to clear thinking about important questions that focus on humanity’s material condition, yet it is not a philosophy for the whole of life—and was never intended to be’.

In 2000, Professor Harper was elected to a Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia in recognition of his standing as an academic economist, and more recently to a Fellowship of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

The Awards were judged by an interdenominational panel of judges and presented by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Australia (SPCKA). Australia’s first library of 4,000 books was sent with the First Fleet in 1788 as a gift to the new colony from SPCK UK. The organisation was founded in 1698 to distribute books and pamphlets in the ‘new world’.

Please click here for my blog post on ‘Economics for Life’ by Prof Ian Harper.

Click here for my blog on ‘Christianity Alongside Islam’ by my dear friend Bishop John Wilson.

Also click here for the Australian Christian Book of the Year Shortlist and here for SPCKA’s media release.

Synod Motion: Gambling & MP’s Replies

Below is a letter I sent recently to Federal politicians from Tasmania, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in Canberra regarding the Anglican Church of Tasmania’s view on gambling and gambling reform:

Dear …
I write on behalf of Tasmania’s Anglican community regarding the issue of gambling.
The Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania noted the Productivity Commission’s report into gambling which indicates that:
  1.  There are between 80,000-160,000 problem gamblers in Australia, along with another 230,000-350,000 vulnerable to problem gambling
  2. poker machine users are disproportionately represented among the ranks of Australia’s problem gamblers;
  3. 41% of the $11.9 billion that Australians lose on poker machines annually comes from problem gamblers; and
  4. the public benefits and job creation, which the registered clubs claim to offer through their gambling profits, are highly debatable.
Therefore this Synod endorses efforts being proposed in Australia’s Federal Parliament to reduce the impact and incidence of problem gambling, for example, by the introduction of a compulsory pre-commitment system into poker machine use.
More broadly, the Synod calls on all state and territory governments to reduce their reliance on taxation on gambling and asks all political parties to refuse donations from organisations which profit from gambling.
On behalf of the Tasmanian Anglican community I respectfully ask that you act on this matter for the well-being of Tasmania.
Yours sincerely,
John D Harrower OAM
Bishop of Tasmania

MP’s replies:

Tasmanian detention centre update

The Diocesan Ministry Council met today at St Mark’s Pontville. The hall overlooks the detention centre which is under construction on the nearby Rifle Range. There is something quite macabre and frightening about this juxtaposition of rifle range and detention centre. Is this how Australians demonstrate their care for refugees who have already suffered great trauma?

It’s not just, “God have mercy on them”. It’s also, “God have mercy of us merciless Australians.”

Article, Tasmanian detention centre ready in September.

See also, ‘Malaysia solution’: Australia’s shame  and  Asylum seekers: a Christian approach  and  Call to open hearts on asylum.

Iraqi Christians suffer. Pray!

Three churches have been car bombed in the past two weeks in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk: St Ephrem’s Syrian Orthodox Church, Holy Family Syrian Catholic Church and the nearby Evangelical church. A sad but inevitable result for Christian life and mission in Iraq:

Christians are continuing to emigrate from violent areas of Iraq. Five families have left Kirkuk since the attacks two weeks ago and the archbishop estimates that thousands of Christians have left the city over the past 30 years.

“This exodus of Christians is going on all the time. It is a big loss for those Christians who want to continue here. How long can they resist the pressure to leave?”

Please pray with me,

To you, O Lord,
on bended knees
our heads we bow in prayer:
that you may hear
our cry for blood-drenched lands
and their exhausted people,
who have seen too much death,
and have been afraid too long
to understand your love,
comprehend your presence,
acknowledge your goodness
and concern for them, a battered people;
yearning for freedom
as they bear yiour cross.

Prayer by Lesley G. Anderson, The SPCK Book of Christian Prayer, SPCK, London, 1995, p.131.

Full report, Iraqi Christians worry after car bomb hits third Kirkuk Church.  See also, Plight of Iraqi Christians.

National Marriage Day


Tuesday 16th August 2011, 10am to 12pm

It has recently been announced that on 17th August MP’s will be asked to report to Parliament the views of their electorate on same-sex “marriage”.
It is now more urgent than ever to gather your friends, neighbours, church group and colleagues and come to Canberra on August 16th.
Marriage is too important for you to sit by and leave it to someone else to defend. At times like these it is crowds that talk!

Please pray that our politicians will exercise wisdom and retain the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

More information at http://www.marriageday.org.au/

See my letters to politicians and some of their replies re Tasmanian Synod decision on marriage, Definition of marriage: letter responses.

Also, Leave Bert and Ernie alone. They are not gay advocates.

Managing sustainability

In the August Tasmanian Anglican I wrote regarding the issue of Managing sustainability:

My culinary preferences no longer sustain my health. Getting older has its downside: ‘No’, to hot curries, bungee jumping and fresh bread thick with butter and draped with cheese and salami. ‘Yes’, to an ever increasing array of tablets, responsibilities and rules. But I must stop the list lest I get too cranky!

I am assured that life can be healthier and more sustainable if I change my habits. Now there’s a challenge!

Consumption, not just of food, is part of being alive. Consumption needs managing, stewardship. Stewards, caretakers if you like, we are. God the Creator delegated this responsibility to humankind.

Like me and my personal health, we have not always been as disciplined as we ought to have been. Just look at the land, sea and sky – rubbish everywhere. We have used the sea as a sink, the land as a litter bin and the sky as a chimney to take away our rubbish.

How are we to demonstrate good stewardship in the challenge of climate change?

Management of social, economic and environmental factors, the so-called ‘triple bottom line’, requires skill and sacrifice in a shared commitment.

Environmental research indicates strongly our need to lessen climate change by reducing our carbon emissions. We await the renewal of all things in Christ (Romans 8:20,21) and we acknowledge the Lordship of Christ over all things (Colossians 1:17-20).

Economic stewardship means that the additional costs associated with the proper management of carbon and other waste products will result in higher prices of goods and services from industries that produce large amounts of carbon waste. This is how the pricing mechanism works. It is therefore imperative that those people most affected by the environmental policies are assisted.

The Gospel calls us to care for those who suffer – and there will be suffering through such a radical restructuring of our consumption patterns and society if we are to actually lessen carbon emissions.

Social cohesion requires communication not shouting; transparency not half-truths; vulnerability not defensiveness; and the capacity to affirm the common good no matter who says it first. A healthy church committed to transforming life in the Spirit of Christ has a vital role to play in building a healthy society.

Maintaining stability between these factors as we undertake these changes is a huge stewardship task. Let us not underestimate its demands on all Australians, indeed on all the peoples of this planet.

God in Christ has dramatically and sacrificially committed himself to our world. Will we do that? A healthy church transforming life responds with a resounding, ‘YES!’

May God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless, guide and guard our way.

NOTE: For further analysis see Climate Change: Problem or Opportunity? Understanding Climate Change in the Context of the Gospel. This is the text of part of an address given to the Synod of The Anglican Church in Tasmania on 2 June, 2007.

Read the August edition online here, Tasmanian Anglican August 2011.

“How tweet it is”

In light of the recent debate surrounding the usage of social media at Synod, Tweeting Synod: Healthy for whom?  I thought this excerpt of interest:

“How tweet it is” by Paul Smith, The Weekend Australian Financial Review July 16-17, 2011

“The micro-blogging network has acquired a heavy-duty credibility unimaginable when it set up just five years ago.

twitter@the good: Over 200 million accounts created and 1 billion messages sent in just fives years

twitter@the good: Used a rallying tool for pro-democracy protests around the world like the recent “Arab Spring”

twitter@thegood: Broke news like the death of pop star Michael Jackson before major outlets

twitter@thegood: Has allowed royalty, presidents and prime ministers to speak directly to millions of people

twitter@thebad: NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell accidentally sends a “deeply off the record” comment for a journalist to thousands of people

twitter@thebad: A Westpac staffer accidentally tells the banks’ customers it was “oh so very over it today” via its official twitter account

twitter@thebad: Channel 7 presenter, David Koch, tweets it was”time to sleep like the dead” while reporting from the Christchurch earthquake

twitter@thebad: Channel 9 host Richard Wilkins reports Hollywood star Jeff Goldblum had fallen off a cliff and died in New Zealand after a Twitter hoax

Christians are not immune from the dangers of Twitter, here and here.

My earlier, Tweeting synod: Healthy for whom? – I have had a number of helpful conversations and will write a follow up blog post.  Culture holding conversation and context are recurring themes.

The use of social media by louts in the London rampage is an example of a culture that is a long way from Christ holding a conversation (where to cause harm next) that is a long way from Christ. As Christians we will hold conversation using social media to build the way of Christ.