Distinguishing euthanasia & palliative care

In a recent letter that I received from Alex Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Legal Policy Branch for the Prime Minister, there was a thought provoking sentence that summarized the difference between euthanasia and palliative care succinctly:

“Euthanasia is the act of ending a life, whereas palliative care is end of life care for a person who is dying.”

It is comforting to know that leaders of our nation are concerned with the importance of palliative care. Let us pray that God continues to lead them in these decisions.

Read the rest of the letter here!

See ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’

How amazing to be able to see the Dead Sea Scrolls!  This incredible historic find is being made available online at The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls.

“We are privileged to house in the Israel Museum’s Shrine of the Book the best preserved and most complete Dead Sea Scrolls ever discovered,” said James S. Snyder, Anne and Jerome Fisher Director of the Israel Museum. “They are of paramount importance among the touchstones of monotheistic world heritage, and they represent unique highlights of our Museum’s encyclopedic holdings. Now, through our partnership with Google, we are able to bring these treasures to the broadest possible public.”…

Rod & Sue Viney – OAMs

Mr Rod Viney and Mrs Sue Viney were each awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) at an Investiture Ceremony at Government House, Hobart, on Friday 16 September 2011.

How wonderful that this marvellous husband and wife each received an award and at the same time! PTL!

Rod was awarded for his service to youth through the Scouting movement and to Sailability Tasmania

Sue was awarded for her service to youth through the Guiding movement and to the community. Among other noteworthy achievements Sue was a founder and chairman of the Christian Counsellors’ Association of Tasmania from 2001-2008.

Rod and Sue are active members of St Clement’s Anglican Parish in Kingston.

Congratulations to my brother and sister in Christ!

May God’s blessing continue to be poured out upon your lives and ministry to the Tasmanian community.

Marriage, religion = social capital

Two research projects find, respectively, that marriage and religious people in community lead to social well-being. Jesus certainly affirmed marriage and he gathered a community of disciples.

The first research project is Australian and finds that marriage is good for children.

We need to look afresh at the overwhelming evidence that children do best in  families with two married parents. It is not the wedding ring that does it. What  seems to make the difference is that process of clear decision and public  commitment. The promise to commit for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,  in sickness and in health really matters when the ”worse” happens, when money  is tight, and when sickness strikes. Of course it is not a guarantee,   but the  likelihood that a non-marital relationship with children will break down is many  times higher than for marriages.

Children are a blessing from God and ideally a child is nurtured in the loving public commitment of their father and mother. Jesus affirmed marriage as between a man and a woman in Matthew 19: 4-6.

Read more: Marriage at the heart of a crucial commitment to children  Another report on the same research which carries more statistical information, Falling marriage rates hurting children: report.

The second research project finds that “religious people make better citizens and neighbours“. It was conducted  in the USA and has some support from Australian data.

The authors, Putnam and Campbell  write that ”for the most part, the evidence we review suggests that religiously  observant Americans are more civic, and in some respects simply ‘nicer’ ”.

On every measurable scale, religious Americans are more generous, more  altruistic and more involved in civic life than their secular counterparts.

They are more likely to give blood, money to a homeless person, financial aid  to family or friends, a seat to a stranger and to spend time with someone who is  ”a bit down”. . . .

In an interesting “sober thought” the authors hit on a conversation topic earlier in my day in which my friend commented on the healing and healthy role that his Christian community played in his life.

A sobering note for believers is that this study reveals that the content of a  person’s belief isn’t what matters so much as their level of involvement in a religious community.

In the reformed tradition we too often place the cognitive (content of belief) before the relational (belonging in the Jesus’ family).

Jesus invited people to come and follow him, joining in his community, and while following him they learned of him and his way of life for the world.

Read more: God’s truth, believers are nicer.

The research conclusions: marriage and religious people in community lead to social well-being, are an encouragement for me to follow Jesus ever more closely, day by day.

Equality for All – Dean of Hobart

This letter to the editor from The Very Reverend Richard Humphrey, Dean of Hobart, appeared in The Mercury today:

Equality for all

Your cartoon (Mercury, September 20) suggests anyone who opposes the proposed redefinition of marriage has no right to speak This is contradictory in a debate about equality and rights. Further, we are told to mind our own business, yet it is a minority who seek to irrevocably change what marriage means for the rest of the community, and with it the understanding of family. The Anglican Church in Tasmania has supported same-sex relationships and advocated for protection from discrimination of same-sex couples legislation. We also will continue to uphold marriage as taught by Jesus and defined in law as between a man and woman.”

Also see Response to Greens’ Motion which includes my media release sent out yesterday. You may also want to vote NO to the redefinition of marriage here (Mercury Webpoll).

Response to Greens’ Motion

The Mercury front page today reads “Green light for gay marriage” referencing Nick McKim’s motion being tabled in parliament calling for in-principle support for what he calls “Marriage Equality.”

I have responded with a media release.

You may want to vote in the Webpoll at the Mercury, voting no to the redefinition of marriage.

Also, Gay advocate: Don’t call it marriage   and  Marriage: Why not a threesome?

“Abrahamic Faiths”?

I confess to great irritation at the terms “Abrahamic Faiths”, “Abrahamic Religions” and/or “the Children of Abraham” when referring to Christians, Muslims and Jews, the latter term was used in the “God after Ground Zero” on ABC radio national program The Spirit of Things last Sunday.

These terms are used to characterize together the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions and refers to their having a significant commonality.

But I question the validity of these terms. In my view, the level of difference between these three religions is so great as to make meaningless their description as “the Children of Abraham.”

This difference is stated clearly in  the Qur’an 3:65-70:

“Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian. He was an upright man, who submitted to God. He was no idolater. Surely the men who are nearest to Abraham are those who follow him (Abraham), this Prophet (Muhammad), and the true believers. God is the guardian of the faithful. Some of the People of the Book wish to mislead you; but they mislead none but themselves, they may not perceive it.”

Islam claims Abraham as a Prophet of Islam as described in the Qur’an. This is a significant minimization of the claims of both Judaism and Christianity on the person and role of Abraham.

Judaism clearly claims Abraham to be the Father of the Nation of Israel (Genesis 12:1 ff; Genesis 17:5-6; Isaiah 51:2).

Christianity claims Abraham not only to be the Father of the Nation of Israel, but to be the Father of Faith (Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19).

Moreover, the Qur’anic record has a very different version of the story of the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Qur’an 37:104-109 gives an account of Abraham’s sacrifice that omits the name of the son (most Muslims believe it was Ishmael) and the emphasis on the passage is not on Abraham’s trust in God’s promises (as in Judaism and Christianity), but in his submission to God’s will. Islam means submission. A Muslim is one who submits (to God/Allah).

For Judaism and Christianity this profound religious moment is recorded  in Genesis 22:1-19. For both these faiths it is Abraham’s confidence in God’s fulfillment of his covenant promises to bring from Abraham a great nation, that is paramount.

The difference between Islam and the understanding of Jewish and Christian people is epitomized by  Islam’s ignorance and rejection of the sacred text of the Old Testament. Despite the historicity of the Genesis account,  Islam declares these texts corrupted and the Qur’anic texts the final and irrefutable revelation.

We see in these differences a significance that renders the description of  Christians, Muslims and Jews as “the Children of Abraham”, “Abrahamic faiths” and/or “Abrahamic religions” meaningless. Please do not use them. 🙂

See also a link to my blog “Fanaticism and Faith” and “God after Ground Zero” 9/11

“Christianity Alongside Islam” by Bishop John Wilson pp 327-345 gives a very full and excellent account of this issue.

Upcoming Tasmanian Bible Forums

The St Helens Tasmanian Bible Forum (TBF) in June was a significant day with a record number of participants for St Helens. Yours truly led the sessions on Prayer as Passionate Spirituality.

The other two TBFs for the year are each held in October in Sorell and Launceston.

These days are a strong encouragement to faith and ministry and are also a component of the Diocese’s Certificate in Theology & Ministry. I especially encourage parish leadership to organise groups to go from their parish or network. Is there a school chaplain or youth worker whom you could invite who would value the refreshment this would bring?

The day features three interactive sessions led by an experienced Bible teacher, morning tea/lunch and fellowship with Anglicans (and other Christians) from around the state; all for just $15.

TBF 2011 flyer Sorell: Wise Up! Life and Faith in Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes

TBF 2011 flyer Launceston: No Turning Back! 3 sessions on the book of Numbers