Prayer for Devonport

Greetings in the name of the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ!

I write asking for you to join with me in prayer for the Parish of the City of Devonport over the week 4th to the 10th May.

The Parish of Devonport is about to commence a new season of ministry under the leadership of the Venerable Canon John Tongue and I want to bring to the Parish and City of Devonport the full force of the prayers of the Missionary Diocese of Tasmania.

In order to achieve this, I have asked all Parishes in the Diocese to include prayers for the Parish of the City of Devonport in their worship services on Sunday 4th May.  I have also asked that throughout that week prayer groups and mid week worship services include prayers for Devonport. 

To support this call for prayer, please see below Praise, thanks and Prayer Points for the Parish of Devonport for the week Sunday 4th May to Saturday 10th May. 

We are a Diocese in solidarity in prayer before the Resurrected Lord of Life, Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

Please join in praying for Devonport.  Thank you.

Shalom, + John 

 Praise, Thanks and Prayer points for Parish of the City of Devonport
unday 4th May – Saturday 10th May, 2014


  • The Lord of all grace and mercy for His salvation won for us in Jesus Christ, and for all the blessings that flow to us as a result,
  • For our wonderful celebrations of Easter just past,
  • For God’s continuing faithfulness to lead his people into the future,


  • For the faithful followers of Jesus in Devonport, who have continued as salt and light for the Gospel throughout many years, and many challenges,
  • For valuable lessons learned, and for growth in godliness through all the difficult times, and good times, for Devonport Parish,
  • For faithful partnerships in the gospel between people of the Parish, and a range of locum and full-time ministers over recent years,
  • For a willingness among the People of God in Devonport to continue to grow in Christ, and to advance his Kingdom,
  • For the generous partnership of the Parishes of Ulverstone and Penguin with the Parish of Devonport,


  • For the healing of a whole range of past hurts,
  • For unity in the Gospel,
  • For the Holy Spirit’s enabling people to grow in love for, and trust of, one another across the Parish of Devonport,
  • For the Commissioning of the new Rector, (Ven Canon John Tongue) on the 6th May and his wife Shirley as they settle in to the Parish,
  • For the Parishes of Ulverstone and Penguin, as they explore the future God has in store for them,
  • For the grace and mercy of God to be evident in all our dealings with one another, even when we disagree,
  • For the Holy Spirit of life and love to bind all spirits of division, animosity, and distrust,
  • For all powers and authorities in the heavenly realms opposed to the flourishing of the Kingdom of Jesus in Devonport to be prevented, thwarted and frustrated in their efforts,
  • For growth in knowledge and experience of the length and breadth and height and depth of the love of Christ for his church,
  • For the peace of God that passes all understanding.

A Prayer for the Church
Almighty God,
by whose spirit the whole body of your Church
is called in to a royal priesthood
hear our prayer for all members of your Church in the City of Devonport
that in their vocation and ministry
they may truly serve you,
devoutly love you
and faithfully follow in the way of your son,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See also, Response to welcome to a new ministry: Devonport.

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