Bushfires Ecumenical prayer

During the Ecumenical Service at St David’s Cathedral Hobart yesterday our prayers included the following prayers which were led by Major Graham Roberts, Salvation Army and President Tasmanian Council of Churches, and written by Richard Humphrey, Dean of Hobart. You might like to use them as a basis for ongoing prayer as bushfires continue in Tasmania and mainland Australia.

 Prayers – Ecumenical Bushfire Service 19 Jan 2013

Almighty God, your son Jesus Christ has promised that you will hear us when we ask in faith: receive the prayers we offer:

for those who have experienced loss

We pray for those who lives and livelihoods have been affected by recent fires.  We pray for those who have lost homes and businesses, for those who were scared and have been traumatized by their experience, comfort and heal them in body, mind and spirit and give them hope of restoration.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

for devastated communities

We pray for the communities of Dunalley, Boomer Bay, Connelly’s Marsh, Murdunna, Sommers Bay, Primrose Sands, Taranna, Eaglehawk Neck, Marion Bay, Ellendale, Karanja, Ouse, Hamilton, Richmond, Bicheno, Montumana, Holwell as well as those on the mainland impacted by recent fires, that they may be helped, strengthened and restored by the concern and practical care they are receiving.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

for the emergency services

We give thanks for the selfless service of all who fought and who continue fighting the bushfires.  Grant them protection in danger and strengthen them physically and psychologically for the ongoing demands put upon them.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

for those giving care

We give thanks for all who are caring for the victims of the fires, for the emergency response teams, service providers, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul Society, local churches and community groups, the chaplains, and all those assisting at all levels of government, local, state and federal. Guide them in their labour and give wisdom that those who have suffered loss may get the care and support they need.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

for generosity

We give thanks for the generous response of the Tasmanian and Australian people to those in need.  May we give generously of our material wealth as to enable lives and communities to be restored.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

for care of the environment.

We give thanks for this world which sustains us, forgive us for the damage we have brought upon the environment through negligence, indifference and greed, heal your creation and teach us to be good stewards of its bounty.

Father, hear our prayer – Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

As our Saviour Christ has taught us, we are confident to pray

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

Also, A Prayer in Time of Bushfire.

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