Hansard document: Civility

Hansard Tasmania – 21 September 2011

As I read through this document, I feel distressed at the way our politicians talk to and treat each other.

One question would address the Christian politicians and ask how Jesus would have them act in the face of such behaviour?

But the issue of civility is not just for politicians.

Civility or rather the lack of it, is a major issue for us in Australia today.

How do we speak of similarity and difference in our understandings and across social, economic, racial, religious, educational and ethnic differences?

I apply this challenge to myself. To what extent do I allow the Holy Spirit to apply the The Beatitudes of Jesus (Matthew 5) to my daily relationships? And in particular, when I am discussing differences of opinion?

In an earlier article I addressed the topic by suggesting reading for our Tasmanian Anglican ‘Parliament’, our Synod! See, Synod: required reading.

We are to be learners after the example of Jesus Christ. Note the power of the question in Jesus’ conversations and also his use of stories.

May the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and civility, beginning with me. Amen.

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