Wise Advice for the Opening of Parliament

On Tuesday I took part in an Ecumenical Service for the Opening of the 47th Tasmanian Parliament. The service was lead by the Very Revd RICHARD HUMPHREY; his much appreciated sermon was titled Wise Advice.

Bible passages were read by our Premier the Hon DAVID BARTLETT, LEN FREEDMAN of the Hebrew Congregation and Hon TANIA RATTRAY MLC). Prayers were led by Revd CAROL BENNETT (Uniting Church), Major GRAEME McCLIMONT (The Salvation Army), Fr MIKE DELANEY (Tasmanian Council of Churches) and Fr AIDAN KAY (Representing Archbishop Adrian Doyle, Catholic Church). The choirs of St Michael’s Collegiate School and The Hutchins School sung the Anthem, ‘Lead Me Lord’.

 I had the privilege of praying The Prayer for the Opening of Parliament,

Most gracious God, ruler of the nations,
we pray for the Parliament of this State, its members and officers.
Direct their work and influence their decisions
to the advancement of your glory
and the safety and welfare of this State and Nation
so that peace and happiness, truth and justice,
may be established among us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray together in dedication as we undertake our appointed tasks:
Teach us, gracious Lord,
to act justly
love mercy
and walk humbly with you
as we follow the path of service shown by Christ
on the way to your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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