South Park gag is Bad

South Park gag makes mockery of free speech‘ argues forcefully for free speech and the absence of threats to shows such as South Park. The comment that best captured the key argument in the article’s opposition to the gagging of South Park . . . 

“Those who want Mohammed fenced off often have no qualms about launching assaults on Christianity. That hypocrisy caught the attention of the guys at South Park. And for that they ought to be supported, not suppressed.” That is the crux of the story. Comment 27 of 35

The tension between the freedom to say what I believe and the proper sensitivity to each other is a challenge.

So while I support South Park’s freedom to say its piece, I am sad that South Park mocks the ideals of others. This is hurtful and does not build a society of respect and gentleness.

For these reasons the South Park gag is bad is true in either meaning of ‘gag’ as censorship or humour: South Park ‘censorship’ is bad;  and  South Park ‘humour’ is bad.

God’s’Will also references a street preacher In England and mandatory internet filtering in Australia as areas of challenge to free speech, Free as in Speech.  I have expressed my concerns about the loss of the freedom of religious expression, Belgium burqa ban is Bad and The West’s fear of free speech.

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