Political power & Leaky Boats

I watched ‘Leaky Boat’ last night on the ABC1 TV and the follow up ‘Q & A’  special, ‘Stopping the Boats’.

Both programs were disturbing.

‘Leaky Boat’ showed the callous cruelty to asylum seekers and the media manipulation of a largely ignorant and fearful nation by our political leaders in their pursuit of political power. The second program, ‘Q & A’, perhaps inadvertently demonstrated the inability of the show’s panel to engage in constructive and civilised dialogue, let alone any iota of accountability by the politicians.

I was grateful for the courage  of the former navy sailor, Bec Lynd, who was prepared tp speak publically of her horror and changed understanding of ‘boat people’ due to the Australian naval ship, ‘Adelaide’, failing its moral duty by waiting and watching until the asylum seekers’ boat sank before giving them support.

Two photos, one with a child being held aloft by an asylum seeker and a second photo taken later when the boat had sunk and children were in the water, were conflated into one act: ‘children thrown overboard’. The Australian Government used this slogan and helped the nation conclude that Australia did not want this sort of people. The crew of the navy ship, Adelaide, was told that ‘children (thrown) overboard’ was not true but they were not to talk to the media to correct the erroneous view previously given by the Government.

It was becoming clear that the Australian Government’s telling of this story was untrue and moreover that keeping the ‘boat people’ out of Australia was not about Australia’s national security but about the Government winning the election and holding on to power.

To what extent a corrupt (or corrupted) nation is complicit in this dehumanising of asylum seekers and its associated fear mongering, remains a vexed question. At the end of the ‘Leaky Boat’ program a gracious young Muslim woman, a ‘boat people’, who survived the trip to Australia, stated ‘Australians are mostly nice people when you get to know them’. Grace is the stronger when responding to callous self-interest.

But are Australians ‘nice’ to ‘strange people’ on a leaky boat? Australians have yet to demonstrate it.

May God give us generosity and courage to be truly ‘nice’; the costly ‘nice’ of generous hospitality, fearless compassion and a willingness to not cling on to power but to give up what might be rightly ours for the good of others. We remember Jesus who gave up all his glory and power to give himself for undeserving world Philippians 2:1-11).

Our capacity to dehumanise the people fleeing persecution by referring to them as ‘boat people’ was briefly discussed on ‘Q & A’. I too wonder at the term, ‘boat people’ and ask why do we reduce people through labelling them ‘boat people’ and to what end? Is it to justify our treatment of these people as objects hostile to our way of life, even as ‘enemy’, and hence we are able to cast them literally out to sea while we permit ourselves to sleep with a clear conscience?

I was heartened to hear both the Immigration Minister Chris Bowen, and his opposite number, Scott Morrison, refute the claims of a rogue email claiming that refugees receive better benefits than Australian citizens.

See Leaky Boat  and  Stopping the Boats.

To see the ‘human face’ of asylum seekers check out: The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif.

The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif – Book Review

The human face of the “boat people” is seen in an Afghani refugee, Najaf Mazari. The juxtaposition of life in Afghanistan and life in Australia (as an asylum seeker) deepens both our common humanity and the differences between the lives lived in these two contexts.

Affection for family and friends permeates the pages of this absorbing biography:

“An Afghani father has failed in his duty to his sons if he raises dreamers. He will have done his sons no favours… The relationship of father and son in Afghanistan reaches maturity when the son becomes a man and displays to the father’s satisfaction the qualities of fortitude, resourcefulness, loyalty and endurance that were impressed on him as a child. In the West, parents strive to make a paradise for their children to inhabit; to shield them from the reality of life; to shower them with joys and delights. In Afghanistan, the childhood of a boy is a time of testing.”

The book is sprinkled with pearls of wisdom:

“Lies are a form of theft; the liar steals from another person that person’s trust. There are liars all over the world who have grown rich on the trust they have stolen.”

“It’s just human to be anxious when you don’t know what is to become of you.”

“Even though the Talibs would one day take away the music and smash the instruments and beat the musicians, it was not possible for them to kill the love of music in the people.”

“Hope is like a little child who must be cared for and clothed and fed each day, and when hope is destroyed, it is as if the child has died, despite all of the care and love.”

We learn a great deal about the history and culture of Afghanistan through the eyes of Najaf Mazari. For example, we learn of the hundreds of regions of Afghanistan each under the control of a different tribal chieftain and of the conflicts between these tribes and yet the long periods of an absence of conflict when some sort of balance of power has been gained. We learn of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and of its Mujahedin “freedom fighters” and of the ongoing war with the emergence of the Taliban.

He also relates stories from Afghanistan, such as that of Kandhi Hazara, the most famous dancer in their history. We also learn of love, music, weddings and work.

“In Afghanistan, the two events that can leave you with empty pockets are marriages and burials. Both cost a fortunate, but people dare not hold back when marriages and funerals come around, or else they will be whispered about until the end of their days. People who say, ‘Friend, did you hear of so-and-so? His family buried him like a beggar. A disgrace and an insult to Heaven!’”

Najaf is a Muslim and for him God is integral to his life:

“There is a moment in the life of each person when the eye of God ceases from its restless scanning of the plains and rivers and mountains and cities and rests its gaze just on you. And at such a moment, God says, ‘Ah, that’s Najaf; he has found the path I intended for him. I will watch him working for my own pleasure.’”

Given the current debate in Australia about Asylum Seekers it is interesting to note Najaf’s thinking as he struggles with the decision to flee Afghanistan due to the persecution of his family.

“The family would find the money (for him to flee) by emptying their pockets and retrieving bank notes from hiding places and selling what they could. The money raised used up every tiny piece of cash (my) family and friends could find, and left their houses bare of things to sell. I was the chosen one…I was the family member most in danger; I was also the only one with a few words of English to employ. I was judged the most level headed person in the entire family and finally I was considered lucky. The possibility of me being capture along the way was very high… There is another reason (for him to flee)… if the family tribe cannot survive, then by the mercy of God, let one male member of that tribe find safety in the world and let him rebuild everything from the start… To leave your native land is a terrible thing.”

Najaf also tells of the terrible sea trip to Ashmore Island and his eventfull and eventual acceptance as a refugee. He concludes,

“Not all of us were able to survive the wars of Afghanistan….Impossible things have happened…. Dreams that were dreamt in Afghanistan have put down roots in the soil of another nation, and today I see buds forming on twigs and branches.”

And on belonging and identity,

“Australia can never be my homeland because I started here too late. I had already fallen in love with my part of Afghanistan, and I will be faithful for life. But if Australia is not my homeland, it is certainly my home. This is the land that I have learnt to love in a way that is different than my love for Afghanistan. This is a land I love for its kindness to me, for the chance it gave me to rebuild my dreams. This is the land where the most generous people I will ever know smile at me and said, ‘How can we help you, Najaf?’ Australia is a land that I love in the way that a man loves the friend who saved his life.”

The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif by Najaf Mazari & Robert Hillman, Insight Publications, St Kilda 2008

See, Publisher’s guide.  Reviews: The Age  and  The SMH.  Also, Asylum seekers: Christian approach and my Easter Day, Call to open hearts on asylum seekers

Tasmanian Anglicans: Publication of the week!

The Tasmanian Diocesan Office received an email from an Anglican Dean in Canada asking for the link to the Growing Disciples of Jesus online studies. The Dean said she saw it mentioned in the Anglican Communion Weekly Review.

Our Coordinator, David Rogers-Smith, went to the current online issue of CWR and  reports back, “Yep, it’s the Publication of the Week. Can you believe that!”

I sure can!  PTL!

Congratulations to David, his team of writers and BCA for supporting this ministry.

Have a look. You’ll see it listed on the contents page, then scroll down to that section where our diocese is also mentioned. http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/news.cfm/2011/7/1/ACNS4989


From the website of the Anglican Church in Tasmania

Lectionary-based study outlines

Growing Disciples of Jesus

Welcome to our diocese’s new resource to help grow disciples of Jesus and healthy churches transforming life Bible study outlines based on the Gospel reading for each Sunday of the year! The studies are designed for use in home or church-based study groups, and to be a helpful resource for preachers as well. They can also be used for personal reflection and study. Just click on the link to the Sunday study you wish to download or print off.

Social media: Tasmanians lead nation!

Recently I attended an excellent presentation by FontPR on ground breaking research on trends in the use of social media by Tasmanians. The presentation was accompanied by fine staff and fine food – very Tasmanian! Thanks to Becher and the crew. “New research reveals majority of Tasmanians are keeping it social” – FONT PR

Tasmanians are leading the nation in social media usage with research released today revealing well over half the State is keeping it social online, abolishing the outdated view that the phenomenon is just a passing fad.

The Font Public Relations Social Media Index 2011 , which surveyed 1000 adults, provides Tasmania’s first insight into social media usage trends across the State.

Also of interest is the usage by the 1,000 respondents of the various social media: Facebook 46%, Twitter 6%, YouTube 44%, Linkedin 3%, Blogs 12%, Flickr 5%, Foursquare 1%.

See Social Media Index 2011 for the research details.

Read the rest of the article and research information on FONT PR’s website: The Source

No dignity in euthanasia

A sobering article with a wide variety of comments from The Age today by the long term chronically ill Nicholas Tonti-Filippini who I had the privilege of knowing in Melbourne. Excerpts:

The chronically ill shouldn’t feel pressured to relinquish their fragile hold on life.

Facing illness and disability takes courage, and we do not need euthanasia advocates to tell us that we are so lacking dignity and have such a poor quality of life that our lives are not worth living.

Professionally, I have been involved with the care of the terminally ill for many years, including palliative care. As a chronically ill person I know well what it is to feel that one is a burden to family and community, how isolating illness and disability can be, and how hard it is to maintain hope in circumstances of illness, disability and severe pain, especially chronic pain.

The fear of being a burden is a major risk to the survival of those who are chronically ill. If euthanasia were lawful, that sense of burden would be greatly increased, for there would be even greater moral pressure to relinquish one’s hold on a burdensome life.

Seriously ill people do not need euthanasia. We need better provision of palliative care aimed at managing symptoms and maximising function, especially as we approach death. Rather than help to die, the cause of dignity would be more greatly helped if more was done to help people live more fully with the dying process.

The proposals to make provision for a terminally ill person to request euthanasia, and a doctor to provide assistance to die, make it less likely that adequate efforts would be made to make better provision for palliative care.

Legalised euthanasia would give those responsible for funding and providing palliative care a political ”out” in that respect.

Medical research in this area indicates that the desire for euthanasia is not confined to physical or psycho-social concerns relating to advanced disease. As many researchers have found, a request for death often incorporates hidden existential yearnings for connectedness, and care and respect. Euthanasia requests cannot be taken at face value but require in-depth exploration of their covert meaning, in order to ensure that the patients’ needs are being addressed adequately.

Chronically ill people need the unequivocal protection of our lives. We need protection and encouragement from our community; we do not need this form of discrimination. Far from protecting the dignity of those who are seriously ill and suffering, a euthanasia law would undermine dignity by undermining our sense of individual worth, no matter our suffering and disability.

It is likely that my protected status would be affected were Victoria to change the law to permit euthanasia. Even Philip Nitschke has admitted, in The Medical Journal of Australia, that of the seven deaths that happened under the terms of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act in the Northern Territory, four did not actually meet the legal criteria.

The legislation was manifestly unsafe and I would argue that legislation that permits euthanasia could never be made safe for those of us who have serious chronic illnesses, because the essence of such legislation is to make respect for our lives contingent upon the strength of our will to survive.

If euthanasia is lawful then the question about whether our lives are overly burdensome will be in our minds, as well as the minds of those health professionals and those family members on whose support and encouragement we depend.

Our doctors would be obliged to suggest death to us because it would be a legal option. The mere existence of the option would affect attitudes to our care, and hence our own willingness to continue.

The desire to live is often tenuous in the face of suffering and in the face of the burden our illnesses impose on others. Politicians would gain nothing worthwhile for us by supporting legalisation that would allow the deliberate ending of life for those who request it. Such requests warrant a response in solidarity from our community, a response that seeks to give us more support and better care, rather than termination of both life and care.
Read more: No dignity in euthanasia.

Can Allah Just Forgive?

My thanks for this article to Guest blogger, Revd Samuel Green:

Muslims have told me that Allah/ God does not need any sacrifice to pay for our sins because he can simply forgive them. They say he is the God who forgives and nothing more is required than for him just to forgive.

However, this is not what the Qur’an says. The Qur’an is very clear that on judgment day our good and bad deeds will be weighed in the balance.

“Then those whose scales are heavy, they are the successful. And those whose scales are light are those who lose their souls, in hell abiding.” (Qur’an 23:102-103, Pickthall)

The Muslim belief is that they will be saved on judgment day because God will overlook their bad deeds and will multiple their good deeds by ten, thus in the scales they will have more good deeds.

So it is that we find in the Qur’an:

“(W)hoso bringeth a good deed will receive tenfold the like thereof, while whoso bringeth an ill-deed will be awarded but the like thereof; and they will not be wronged.” (Qur’an 6:160/161, Pickthall)

“Whoso bringeth a good deed will have better than it’s worth; and such are safe from fear that Day.” (Qur’an 27:89, Pickthall)

“Whoso bringeth a good deed, he will have better than the same; while as for him who bringeth an ill-deed, those who do ill-deeds will be required only what they did.” (Qur’an 28:84, Pickthall)

“And as for those who believe and do good works, We shall remit from them their evil deeds and shall repay them the best that they did.” (Qur’an 29:7, Pickthall)

“Those are they from whom We accept the best of what they do, and overlook their evil deeds. (They are) among the owners of the Garden. This is the true promise which they were promised (in the world).” (Qur’an 46:16, Pickthall)

“… And whoso scoreth a good deed We add unto its good for him. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Responsive.” (Qur’an 42:23, Pickthall)

Therefore, the Qur’an does not teach what so many Muslims affirm; that God simply forgives our sins. Instead, the Qur’an says that God will show favouritism to the Muslims in judgement. He will multiple their good deeds by ten and ignore their bad deeds.

This view of God is not taught in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, the Psalms or the Gospel. They all teach that God is just and will never corrupt justice. This is why God has provided a sacrifice for us. The sacrifice pays for our sins. The sacrifice is a just payment. On judgement day, Christians are saved, not by God ignoring their sin or multiplying the good by ten, instead they are saved because God himself has paid for their bad deeds. This is just and the testimony of the Law of Moses, the Prophets, the Psalms and the Gospel.

God presented him (Jesus) as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished – he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:25-26, NIV)

Forgiveness in Christianity is just and based on the perfect justice of God.

For a fuller discussion of this theme by Samuel, see, How can one man pay for the sins of another?

Also take a look at Revd Samuel Green’s articles on Answering Islam and  the Home page of the multilingual Answering Islam.

Killing baby girls: Belief & its consequences

A disclaimer; In writing this I am attempting to put aside my personal abhorrence at the unnecessary taking of life.

The trend to kill baby girls via sex-selective abortion is governed by deeply held beliefs. Beliefs lead to practices/ behaviours and sometimes the behavioural consequences go further than initially perceived by the believers. A recent article, Trend to Kill Baby Girls Gets UN Attention sets out the case:

For example, killing baby girls leads to demographic consequences, more males than females, and hence to economic impacts and threat to global peace.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) filed a motion called “Sex-selective abortion — ‘Gendercide'” in May 2010 (Doc. 12258), inviting the member states of the Council of Europe to “condemn sex-selective abortion, wherever and whenever it occurs.”

The report notes the preference for male offspring, “especially in cultures or countries where family sizes are constrained.”
It highlights the plight of China — where 124 boys are born for every 100 girl — as well as India, South Korea, Taiwan and even some European countries.
The European Centre for Law and Justice noted:
“Considering possible consequences of this ‘gendercide,’ the document affirms that this ‘gender imbalance constitutes a serious threat for global security. The selective pre-natal killing of females will in the near future lead to a further radical decline of birth rates, which could dangerously undermine the sustainability of entire national economies.’ The motion also mentions the negative consequences of future male-dominated populations where men are unable to find wives and start a family.”

This month, five U.N. agencies issued a joint statement on “Preventing gender-biased sex selection.”

The statement notes that while the biologically normal sex ratio at birth ranges from 102 to 106 males per 100 females, ratios higher than normal — sometimes as high as 130 — have been observed.

Killing baby girls is literally death to them and figuratively death to all of us. John Donne’s poem is ringing in my ears with a particular irony, ‘No man is an island entire of itself …’

Killing baby girls should be stopped. How? By persuading people to follow beliefs that are life giving.

During my recent leave I reread Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ which relates his experiences as a Nazi concentration camp inmate. He concludes that holding a belief is what gives a person the strength to go on – even amongst suffering and death.

Ideas shape life. What we believe matters. Ideas have consequences. Ideas shape deeds.

Easter belief holds life-giving meaning.

See, Of cracked pots and Easter.

Australian Christian Book of the Year – Shortlist 2011


Australian Christian Book of the Year

The following books have been short-listed for the 2011 Australian Christian Book of the Year Award:

Bible bites: 365 devotions for Aussie families,
Ladeane Lindsay, Anglican Youthworks.

Christianity alongside Islam,
John Wilson, Acorn Press.

Economics for life: An economist reflects on the meaning of life, money and what really matters,
Ian Harper, Acorn Press.

Hot rock dreaming: A Johnny Ravine Mystery,
Martin Roth, Ark House Press.

Isaiah: Surprising salvation,
Kirk Patston, Aquila.

Judgment day: The struggle for life on earth,
Paul Collins, UNSW Press.

The rag doll,
Stephanie Carmichael & Jessica Green, Matthias Media.

This year’s judges

Libbey Byrne is a member of the Religious Sisters of Charity of Australia and currently serves on their congregational leadership team. Libbey has degrees in theology and education and a master’s degree in spirituality. She has been a secondary school teacher, has trained religious education teachers for NSW state schools and now works in adult faith formation and spirituality. Libbey enjoys reading, movies, body surfing and the company of friends.

Alex Crawford holds degrees in arts, law and theology. He is a practising barrister in Brisbane. Outside the law, he is interested in books, music and seeing the Brisbane Lions win. Alex is married to Penny. They have three adult children and attend St Mark’s Anglican Church, Clayfield. He is the secretary of the Mathew Hale Public Library based in Brisbane.

AllanDemond is Senior Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Melbourne. He holds degrees in philosophy and theology and a PhD in education and homiletics. Allan teaches at Whitley College, Victoria, and the Australian College of Ministry. He enjoys good books, beautiful music and rare Aussie stamps. Allan is married to Janet, an artist. They have three adult children.

Join us at the award presentations

Celebrate the power of words with writer, activist and performer, Joel McKerrow. Joel lectures at  Tabor College Victoria and is the founder and co-director of The Centre for Poetics and Justice.

The 2011 Australian Christian Book of the Year will be announced and prizes awarded at St Alfred’s Anglican Church, Blackburn North, Victoria, corner of Springfield Road and Koonung Road (Melways 48 A7), on Thursday 18 August at 6.30 pm (for a 7.00 pm start). Tickets cost $20.

To book seats, grab your credit card and call 1300 13 7725 or write to: awards@spcka.org.au

When is a religious rite not right?

A challenging case of the right to practise one’s religion versus accepted community standards is unfolding with the spotlight on Halal killing of cattle in Australia.

It will be interesting to see if the Australian standard for ‘humane’ killing, stunning the animal before slaughter which we have applied to Indonesia, will be applied to our own nation!

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is the accreditation body for halal food.

It accepts the stunning of animals but president Ikebal Patel says exemptions are needed to accommodate for religious freedoms.

“It’s not necessarily more humane to have all animals stunned because the process of stunning itself is inherently painful to the animal on impact,” he said.

“The jury’s out, but I think [if] you talk to somebody who may be having a very strong belief that it should be all non-standard, you are denying them their right from a religious perspective.

“It could be discrimination, it could also be belittling one of their fundamental rights to existence.”

ABC news, RSPCA shifts spotlight to ritual slaughter.

This raises the whole issue of, When is a religious rite not right?

eg, my view that the marriage rite is right for a man and a woman, but not a right rite for a Threesome.  We live in interesting times!

RE: Sharia Law in Australia:

It is interesting to note the change of attitude by Ikebal Patel, the President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils which is the accreditation body for  halal food, re introducing Sharia Law in Australia, It was a mistake to mention sharia law, admits Australian Islamic leader.

See his earlier Submission to a national Parliamentary Committee, Muslim push for Sharia in Oz.

Prayer for Sudan

Below is a joint statement about the current situation in Sudan from the CEO of Anglicord and the Chair of the Multicultural Commission in Melbourne Bishop Philip Huggins. Continue to keep this situation in your prayers.

Media Release

16 June 2011

Sudan conflict kills civilians, and opens old scars in Melbourne

Anglicans in Melbourne, where large numbers of Sudanese refugees have settled, have expressed deep concern about escalating violence in Sudan that threatens to plunge the beleaguered country into another civil war.

Misha Coleman, CEO of Anglicord, an Anglican overseas aid agency based in East Melbourne, said that the conflict was rapidly becoming a humanitarian crisis.

“Protecting civilians must be of the highest priority,” Ms Coleman said. “In South Kordofan, the violence between the Sudan Armed Forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has already claimed civilian lives and contravenes the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement.”

“The only way to address the suffering of the civilian population is through an immediate cessation of hostilities by all parties,” she said.

“Melbourne has a large Sudanese population, many of whom are refugees and still bear the scars of previous conflict,” said the Chair of the Multicultural Mission, Bishop Philip Huggins. “We hold the people of Sudan in our prayers, and as a community we will continue to offer what support we can to them.”

“Peace is God’s gift and our task is as peacemakers,” said Bishop Huggins. “Thus we respond with prayers and practical support.”

South Kordofan is on the border between north and south, and tensions have been rising since the referendum in January, which will see the south officially secede from the north in July. Increasingly violent border disputes mean that thousands are fleeing the region in fear of all out war. The conflict is making it too difficult and dangerous for humanitarian agencies in the border region to reach the thousands of displaced people who need shelter, food and water.

Anglicord has opened an appeal in partnership with Act Alliance, a global alliance of churches and related agencies, which is already active in Sudan. Since before the referendum, ACT Alliance partners have been carrying out emergency training in all 10 southern states and the three contested areas that border the north and south.

For further comment, please contact:

Jane Still, Communications Manager, Anglicord
jstill@anglicord.org.au www.anglicord.org.au