
I recently read this letter to the editor In the Mercury newspaper.  It may convey how many of us felt as we farewelled Reza Barati at his memorial service recently.

“I went to a memorial service at St David’s Cathedral for a young man I didn’t know. Reza Barati died recently on Manus Island.  The service was hosted by the Anglican Church and the local Kelisa Christian congregation.  It was sad but not without laughter and hope.  Among the prayers was one for Immigration and Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison and Michaelia Cash, Assistant Minister.During an inspiring service I learned a bit about a young man who didn’t get the chance to live his potential.  I learned where he came from and was introduced to his family in Iran.  Reza loved the gym, was helpful and courteous.  He liked Facebook and to read. He dreamt of enrolling in an architecture course in Melbourne, the city of his dreams.  I found out too he was about the same age as my youngest child, that he had a friendly face and was considered a gentle giant”.

(Permission given to publish)

See also, Memorial Service for Reza Berati.

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