Against a human-made religion

The article, Against a human-made religion: Atheism and Christianity, created quite a stir: 552 comments, although many were frankly diatribes. I found the article to be very stimulating, if long; there, I warned you!. Try the following as a ‘taster’ of the article,

Atheism needs God and religion because atheism is, in essence, a negative, oppositional movement against God and religion. Atheism is defined by an (irrational) negative: that there is no God and no need for religion such as Christianity. Christianity does not have this problem (though it sometimes takes oppositional stands): it stands for a positive affirmation of God as love; and that this love encompasses all, regardless of creed or culture.

Some atheists have recognised the problematic, negative nature of their movement. For this reason, they have tried to turn it into a positive force by either claiming the rational source for moral truth or imitating religion. Re-creating an old idea, modern atheists (such as Alain de Botton) have argued that religion appeals to good and necessary aspects of human life (such as community, transcendence and ritual). Because of this, atheists have sought to appropriate religious forms to bolster their movement and appeal to natural human inclinations. The problem with this move is that it is essentially artificial and disingenuous. The oppositional, negative nature of atheism is not overcome by ‘doing’ religion better than so-called believers do, but is emphasised – for atheism to appeal to human nature, it must ironically appropriate religious forms.

The article by Joel Hodge appeared in The Drum Opinion on 11 May. It concludes,

We are told atheism wants to put an end to human-made religion? So does Christianity! Bring it on, we say. Let’s together – atheist and Christian – purge every last vestige of false religion out of the church and the world and, if any church or world is still left, it will be entirely Christian – free from violent sacrifice and perfected in divine, gratuitous love.

Full article, Against a human-made religion: Atheism and Christianity.  See also, Atheists can’t see that faith complements science.

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