A Beautiful Letter

I have been enjoying myself relocating my books into a renovated room 🙂 In the process I have come across some delightful memories.

The beautiful letter below and the Bible sent with it are one such treasured memory.

Wednesday 3 November 2004

The Bishop of Tasmania
Diocese of Tasmania
GPO Box 748

Attention: John Harrower OAM

Dear Venerable Sir,

Re: Make Good of Christian Bible

While a child attending state school in Launceston, part of our curriculum was Christian Education on a Friday. From memory the course was delivered by a stream of lay Teachers – and on occasion by Rev Nancarrow of the local St Aidens Church (who I understand is now deceased).

Being academically competitive, I won the grade 6 prize in 1969 for my Bible Studies book – which was a collection of work done over the year – albeit under false pretences. I had infact rewritten the book upon learning of the possibility of a prize. Whilst the work was mine – it was not the edition dutifully submitted to the passing line of Teachers over the year – but rather an amended and neater version with forged comments. Whether the kind Nancarrow knew this and acted in skilful way – or was deceived by my forgery I do not know.

For my part, clearly this action was deceptive and based on greed. In full knowledge of this I now declare this error to you and make my sincere apologies as head of this Church in Tasmania. I undertake not to repeat this behaivour again.

The prize, as I recall, was a Bible – which was won through an unskillful action. Although I do not have this Bible anymore – or any idea where it may be – please accept the enclosed “Good New Bible” as a make good and a repayment for at least part of my debt along with my declaration of error.

While I do not follow the Christian path I do try to be a good man and help others whenever and however I can. I was prompted to recollect this long forgotten action through recently meeting a local Christian ministry who too was kind to me. On seeing an error or a flaw (no matter how long ago it was performed) out of respect for others and myself I shall always seek to correct it.

Please accept my declaration and “make good” and aspirations.

May you be well and happy and free from all suffering,

Yours sincerely…

This is a beautiful letter of courteous and humble apology from a person making restitution and thereby building community. Please accept my heartfelt thanks. [There was no return address.]

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