In court: Niqab off, men out

I congratulate Judge Shauna Deane for her ‘Solomonic wisdom’ in a most sensitive and significant decision.

Judge Shauna Deane in August ruled (the muslim woman) must remove the face-covering garment so that the jury could see her facial expressions.

Judge Deane last week ruled that to make it easier for Tasneem (the Muslim woman) to give evidence comfortably, men would be removed from the court.

The only men allowed in the courtroom while she gave her evidence today were male jurors, the judge’s usher, Mr Sayed and the lawyers. While female journalists were allowed to stay in the court to report on Tasneem’s evidence, male journalists were ejected.

Article, Muslim-woman-removes-niqab-to-give-evidence-as-male-journalists-are-barred-from-court.

I have stated my reasons for allowing Muslim women to wear the burqa in public here.  This wise court decision helps overcome some of the concerns at wearing face coverings.

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