Refugee Sunday 2010

Some prayers for Refugees and asylum seekers, (more NCCA info page 5 here)     

Ever loving God, when we were once distant strangers you proclaimed peace and brought us
near. Help us extend your grace and welcome in word and deed to all around us. Help us to
live out the values to which you have called us. Let us not be conformed to the world and
behave with selfishness or indifference to the needs of others, but follow the way of your Son,
who came not to be served, but to serve. Let our lives and words witness to your grace and
love that reach out to the last and the least. Amen.
From ‘Refugees and Uprooted People’ liturgy, WCC 

God bless our eyes so that we will recognise injustices.
God bless our ears so that we will hear the cry of the stranger.
God bless our mouths so that we will speak words of welcome to newcomers.
God bless our shoulders so that we will be able to bear the weight of struggling for justice.
God bless our hands so that we can work together with all people to establish peace.
modified form of the blessing by Beverley O’Grady, Canada, in ‘On Frequent Journeys’ 
The Salvation Army statement on asylum seekers and refugees includes,   
In the light of the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees, and the Salvation Army’ s international mission statement by which we are committed to ‘meet human needs without discrimination’, The Salvation Army is greatly concerned by the many millions of people fleeing, or being displaced from their homes and countries because of a well-founded fear of persecution. Many of these have experienced significant grief and trauma, which have potential long-term consequences for their health and well being. 
The Salvation Army, in co-operation with other agencies supports international efforts through the promotion of peace, tolerance, understanding and respect for human life and dignity, to eliminate persecution and displacement.

Because God’s loving concern and welcome for the stranger and foreigner (alien) are made quite evident in both the Old and New Testaments (see 1 below), The Salvation Army believes that individuals and nations should respond in a compassionate and humane manner to the plight of displaced persons seeking asylum.     

(1) Exodus 23:9, Leviticus 19:9-10, Numbers 35:15, Psalm 146, Matthew 22:34-40, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 10:30-37, Hebrews 13:1-3. The Bible often describes God himself as a “Refuge”, (Deuteronomy 33:27, Ruth 2:12, 2 Samuel 22:3,31, Psalm 5:11, Psalm 16:1, Psalm 17:7, Psalm31:2,4, Psalm 34:8, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 62:8, Psalm 91:2, Psalm 144:2, Nahum 1:7).     

Read the full  Salvation Army statement on asylum seekers and refugees .  


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