My endorsement of the ‘Better Together’ Christians for Biblical Equality International Conference 2010 in Melbourne, June 11-14:
- What does it mean to be a woman?
- What does it mean to be a man?
- Is being a male found in chest thumping?
- Is being female found in subservience?
- If not, what defines us as men and women besides biology?
And as we think about the man-woman relationship we might ask, what might ‘love one another as I have loved you’ and ‘bear one another’s burdens’ and ‘to each has been given a ministry of the Holy Spirit’ mean for the growth of the Body of Christ and the building of the kingdom of God?
Be bold. Ponder these issues in a bibilically literate and conversational mode with Christians seeking to understand biblical equality at the June 2010 CBE conference in Melbourne.
Fur further information see CBE International Conference 2010.