Media Release: 2014 Refugee Launch

2014 Refugee week launch – Tasmania solution is alternative to offshore processing

Tasmania’s Anglican Bishop John Harrower, Alderman Damon Thomas, and the CEO of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania, Ms Anna Reynolds, launched 2014 Refugee Week today, by calling for Tasmania to be seriously considered by Canberra as an alternative to offshore processing.

Their call follows an event on Thursday, where Anglican Bishop Harrower and CEO of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, Ms Misha Coleman, were overwhelmed with interest from local, state and Federal MPs to the proposition that Tasmania could process asylum seekers in the community, instead of the billions of dollars being wasted on offshore detention facilities.

The Anglican Cathedral in Hobart was packed on Thursday evening with people who wanted to know more – including enlightened Tasmanian MPs.

The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania John Harrower, Patron of the Taskforce, said that “Tasmania can be the solution, and the bi-artisanship displayed tonight is reminiscent of the leadership displayed by Fraser and Whitlam when confronted with the prospect of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese asylum seekers. In contrast we have a tiny number of people feeling persecution – Tasmania can deal with this and wants to deal with this”

Bishop Harrower said: “The Taskforce estimates it’s costing Australian taxpayers $3,744 per day for each man, woman and child held in offshore detention centres.”

He said the billions spent on offshore detention could not be justified when the Federal Government is cutting funding on health and education to the states.

“The Tasmanian Government estimates it will be $2.1 billion worse off over the next decade as a direct result of the Federal Budget. When contrasted with the $4.2 billion Canberra is planning to spend on offshore detention over the next four years, Tasmanians are entitled to question the Federal Government’s priorities.

Damon Thomas said that speaking personally “whilst clearly there are issues to be resolved and courage needed to take the issue further, clearly such a step would lead to the employment of Tasmanians in the thousands of jobs that could be created by processing asylum seekers in Tasmania”

“I believe that the City of Hobart could play an important role in this plan – we are already a Refugee Welcome Zone, but I need to engage with the Council to get support for it to broaden its current activity.

Other cities have refugee welcome ceremonies and community passports to assist people living on very limited resources. I am confident the people of Hobart would embrace increasing our initiatives in this area.” He said.

Multicultural Council CEO, Anna Reynolds said, there were estimated to be 10.4 million refugees under the care of the United Nations globally, with war and conflicts being the main reasons people are driven to leave their homelands.

“Of this vast number, just 2,000 refugees came to Tasmania during the five years from 2008 to 2013, as part of the national humanitarian program. Tasmania’s numbers are a tiny fraction of the 76,000 refugees that settled in Australia – which is in itself a small number compared to the global refugee challenge.”

“In Tasmania we are a world away from the chaos of war. While we may not understand a journey driven by fear, we can celebrate our ability to be a haven for asylum seekers.”

“Tasmania’s economy would benefit from an injection of new residents. Refugees, like migrants generally, bring labour, skills and they increase the overall demand for goods and services. “

The attached diagram (please click here) shows some of the key differences between the islands of Tasmania, Nauru and Manus.

Contact: The Rev’d Stephen Carnaby, Bishop’s Media Officer, 0417 343 710,
Damon Thomas, 0419 355 115, Anna Reynolds, 0423 222 149
(Media Release of 15th June)

See also: Manus spend or Tassie spend?


Media Release: Manus spend or Tassie spend?

Billions spent on Manus & Nauru better spent in Tasmania

Anglican Bishop John Harrower and CEO of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, Ms Misha Coleman will bring attention to the billions of dollars wasted on the Abbott Government’s offshore detention facilities when they meet with state and federal politicians in Tasmania this week. Ms Coleman said:

“The Taskforce estimates it’s costing Australian taxpayers $3,744 per day for each man, woman and child held in offshore detention centres.”

She said the billions spent on offshore detention could not be justified when the Federal Government is cutting on funding on health and education to the states.

“The Tasmanian Government estimates it will be $2.1 billion worse off over the next decade as a direct result of the Federal Budget. When contrasted with the $4.2 billion Canberra is planning to spend on offshore detention over the next four years, Tasmanians are entitled to question the Federal Government’s priorities.

Ms Coleman said the Abbott Government’s own Commission of Audit acknowledged offshore detention was the fastest growing area of expenditure in the Federal Budget.

“We’re the only country in the world that wastes money in this way. While we’re sinking billions into two other islands – Nauru and Manus Island – we’re slashing the budget of our own island state, Tasmania”.

Ms Coleman said processing and accommodating asylum seekers in Tasmania would be significantly cheaper than the costs associated with Manus and Nauru.

“The money saved could be used to fund State health and education needs instead.”

Ms Coleman said the Taskforce was aware that people with fulltime jobs in Australia are working at the offshore centres during their holidays, because the wages on Manus and Nauru for expatriate detention staff is so high.

“We could be employing Tasmanians in Tasmania instead. The Taskforce has estimated that thousands of jobs could be created by processing asylum seekers in Tasmania – without the inhumane conditions that have led to suicide attempts and violence in the offshore centres.“

The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania John Harrower, Patron of the Taskforce, said;

“With a projected cut of $27million in state health spending over the next year as a result of the Federal Budget, Tasmania faces the loss of 59 hospital beds. The Churches are asking the Federal Government whether the blank cheque it’s written to deter asylum seekers can be justified?”.

“I believe we have a responsibility to demand the proper stewardship of taxpayers’ funds, especially at a time when Tasmanians are being further disadvantaged by the proposed cuts to our essential services. Spending money on the care of asylum seekers in Tasmania, instead of Nauru and Manus Island, would stimulate economic growth and provide jobs in Tasmania. And based on Tasmania’s record of caring for asylum seekers and refugees, we’d get a more ethical, humane and legal approach to the care of asylum seekers, as opposed to the cruelty that is being inflicted in the offshore camps”.

Bishop Harrower said Australia’s national spending priorities are

“a reflection of its values as a society”.

Bishop John Harrower will host the Premier, Lord Mayor of Hobart Damon Thomas, the Mayor of Glenorchy and other Senators, Members of Parliament and dignitaries, prior to a Forum to discuss alternatives to the current policy framework as part of the 2014 Refugee Week celebrations in Tasmania on Thursday 12 June, at St David’s Cathedral , 121 Macquarie Street, Hobart, from 5.30 to 6.30pm.

Press inquiries: Misha Coleman, Taskforce CEO, 0428 399 739 or The Rev’d Stephen Carnaby, Bishop’s Media Officer, 0417 343 710 (Media Release of 10th June 2014)

See also, At Easter: 1000 children in detention and Speaking asylum seekers with our children

Pentecost prayer: May the fire of the Spirit …


God of Comfort and Life,
you sent your Holy Spirit
in wind and fire at Pentecost,
empowering the disciples
to proclaim with boldness
your love in Christ,
giving birth to your church.

May the fire of the Spirit
purify our hearts and minds
to show forth the fruit of your Spirit.

May the fire of the Spirit
ignite our lives
with zeal for your kingdom.

May the fire of the Spirit
provoke in us a passion
to pray and proclaim your love in Christ.

May the fire of the Spirit
set our hearts on fire
with love and adoration for you, our God. Amen.

At Pentecost in Jerusalem the disciples were empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit to go and tell the world about Jesus Christ to bring reconciliation, hope, forgiveness, purpose and pleasure to men and women, and girls and boys.

The Holy Spirit opened the ‘closed doors’, yes of the room they had shut themselves up in (John 20:19-26), but even more so, the Holy Spirit opened the ‘closed doors’ of the disciples fear and sent them courageously into the world which God works to win back through His disciples.

What a privilege! What joy to be Christ’s Body, His hands and feet, His Church! May the fire of the Spirit send us out in prayerful and empowered mission. Amen.

My Pentecost Prayer, above, comes from this fire of the Holy Spirit: Thank you Father, through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Another Pentecost Prayer from A prayer from St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430),

See also, My Pentecost Prayer and Pastoral Letter to the Anglican Church in Tasmania:

Eucumenical Reconciliation Service

Reconciliation Service & Symbols

Reconciliation Service & Symbols

I had the privilege of taking part in a Eucumenical Reconciliation Service held at Hobart North Uniting Church on Sunday, organised by UAICC Tasmania (Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress).  Reconciliation week commenced on the 27th May (which is the Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum that began counting the Aboriginal people in the Australian census and which authorised the Commonwealth Government to make laws about Aboriginal people) and concludes on the 3rd June (the anniversary of the High Court decision in the Mabo case in 1992). “Respect” was the key word that came to me.

Also, I was struck by the significance of Fire to the Indigenous community, also awakened through John Glover’s captivating painting of Mount Wellington and Hobart Town from Kangaroo Point which was shown above the Symbols of Land, Fire and Water, with the Cross and open Bible. Glover depicts the Indigenous community gathering joyfully around the fire:

FIRE is important to our people; our people could not do without it.

Fire means the calling of people together the gathering in a circle around the fire for cooking and eating and for warmth at night; the gathering for ceremonies; the gathering for story telling; the place for being together.

Fire is at the heart of our Indigenous culture.

See, Celebration of Reconciliation  and  also a moving explanation of our call to reconciliation, The Water Ceremony.

Diocesan Vision & Bishop’s Mission Action Plan

In Tasmania we are blessed on occasions to observe an amazing phenomenon of nature, the Aurora Australis, the Southern Lights.  An Aurora can be described as a “radiant emission from the upper atmosphere.”  I was blessed one evening travelling home late from Launceston by this radiance falling like a curtain from the heavens.

The Aurora over the landscape of Tasmania draws from within me a deep longing that the Light of the World, our Lord Jesus Christ, will break into our lives and ministry in powerful and transforming ways.  We yearn for His radiance to be fully known, that His rule and Kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven.

Our State, Tasmania, needs the Church, our Anglican Church, and every Christian man, woman, boy and girl to fulfil our biblical mandate to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom and to declare the purpose of God in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With God we commit to build a healthy church transforming life.

I believe we must continue to re-imagine and clarify our purpose. Why does the church exist? Why does your parish exist? Why do people need Christ? Why do people need the church? Why do people need this particular church denomination? Who are we? What has God called us to be and do? Who is our neighbour?  Why don’t they trust us?  How can we rebuild trust? It is only as we consider these questions that we will understand the life that God is calling us to bring to our relationships.

I have pondered these deep questions in the context of priority setting.  As agents of the God of Life: What are the challenges facing the Diocese as we bring life? What strategies do you feel may be effective in addressing the challenges? What issues demand my priority and how might we tackle these issues?

Take time to reflect on how your local ministry might work toward a planned response.
Consider the key strategies mentioned.
To be a church that is creative, innovative and flexible
How would you rate your ministry in each of these areas?
How might those ratings be improved?
To be risk literate
How do you manage risk in your ministry context?
To build relational church communities
How might you determine how well you are doing in this area?
To emphasise missionary discipleship
How is discipleship emphasised in your ministry context?
To unlock leadership
How are you developing leadership in your ministry context?
To unlock resources
What resources do you believe are under- utilised?
Following Jesus
What evidence do you see of this priority in your ministry context?

The 2014 Diocesan Vision and Bishop’s Action Plan: a healthy church transforming life can be found here  and the Synod Presidential Address which launched it is here.

See 2004 Bishop’s Vision for the Missionary Diocese of Tasmania:a healthy church transforming life can be found here.

Engaging with Islam – Resource

Looking for help to understand Islam? I recommend Interfaith Chaplain Revd Samuel Green’s updated resource for building our understanding of Islam:

Welcome to Engaging With Islam

Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. (Jude verse. 3, NIV Bible)

Islam has become an important worldview to understand and respond to. Even if you don’t know a Muslim you may be asked questions about Islam, or have questions yourself. Engaging with Islam equips Christians to understand Islam and to engage effectively with Muslims and those who make comments about Islam or have questions. Its goal is to help you to stand firm as a Christian, to defend the gospel and to address issues quickly and confidently. It not only considers Islam but examines and defends key Christian teaching.

The Engaging with Islam website is here to help you at every level. It provides training, tools for evangelism, answers to common questions, teaching from the Bible and Qur’an, plus other useful links. Click on “Training” in the menu column to get started now.

Samuel Green

Presidential Address to Synod 2014

This is the Presidential Address I delivered to Synod in Launceston on the 23rd May 2014:

In the joy of the Risen Lord Jesus, I welcome you to this second session of the 52 Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania.

Thank you for your time and commitment to Synod’s ministry of fellowship, governance and oversight. Together we make a vital contribution toward the vision of our Anglican Church being a healthy church transforming life.

It is my prayer that our work together during this session of Synod will bring glory to God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit and a blessing to His Church.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, my heart and passion is to see God’s people on God’s mission.  This will only be true as we turn to God, stay true to our Biblical faith founded in Jesus Christ, and seek always the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

The full Address can be found here

Anglicare: A backward budget

Anglicare Australia Executive Director, Kasy Chambers has described this year’s budget as backward.

“The government set the scene for a tough budget that really looked to the future, but many of the cuts to welfare and services are a return to the past,” Ms Chambers said.

“Withholding income support for six months to anyone under 30 out of work might save some money in the short term, but it will not get people into paid work any quicker. It will simply make their life harder in the meantime.

“And requiring every patient to pay to see a doctor will not stop those who overuse the system, it will instead discourage those who need to take their health more seriously.

“This is a long lasting budget too. The decision to shift pensioners onto a lower indexation rate means their income will no longer grow faster than the inadequate Newstart Allowance. They will however, drop further and further behind the living standard of everyone else.

“And there is still some devil in the detail here. The Department of Social Services funds a number of essential support services, such as financial counselling and emergency relief, from its Discretionary Grant Programme. But we don’t yet know what will be cut in the $240 million savings slated here.

“Most importantly perhaps, the government had an opportunity to take on some of the shibboleths of our unfair economy – such as the tax laws that makes our housing unaffordable to the poor, and the superannuation rules that enormously reward the rich.

“Unfortunately the government chose to reinforce too many of these inequities, rather than to take them on. It’s a budget without hope – leaving many vulnerable Australians behind.”

2014 Budget Fast Facts

World’s poor foot the bill for Budget repairs

I am appalled that the Australian Government has transferred the bill for our nation’s debt burden to the world’s poor.Yes, to the world’s poor! May God have mercy on Australia!

We, Australia, are a wealthy nation and while we need to reduce our expenditure we should not be reducing it to the last and the least of the poor.

At the judgement of the nations, the righteous will answer the king, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?  And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing?  And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’  And (Jesus) the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ (Matthew25:37-40)

Merciful God, open Australia’s head and heart of generosity to the poor. Change this destructive policy in this Budget to a policy of care for the world’s poor. In the name of Jesus Christ who exhorts us to this generosity, compassion and justice. Amen.

The Media Release from World Vision Australia (of which I am a Director) collects up a fuller response which articulates my response as a Bishop of the Church, although this is not a new area of concern for me re our previous Australian Government also failing the world’s poor: Australia’s obligation to the poor.

Further cuts to Australia’s foreign aid budget mean Australia’s overseas development assistance is contributing more savings than any other sector to the budget repair job, World Vision Australia said today.

“After receiving repeated reassurances that the aid and development budget would increase by CPI, the Budget papers reveal a freeze of the aid budget for the next two years,” World Vision Australia CEO Tim Costello said.

“This represents a cut in real terms, and it will see a steady decline in the generosity of the aid program – both as a proportion of national income, and as a proportion of government expenditure.

“It is disheartening to see that the poorest people in the world will foot the bill for Australia’s fiscal repairs,” Mr Costello said.

Mr Costello said that while Australia was facing some fiscal challenges, the burden should not fall heavily on programs which assist the world’s most vulnerable, including many of our closest neighbours.

“Of the major savings identified in the Budget forward estimates, more than 20 per cent comes from foreign aid – the biggest single contribution of any category.

“Australians are by nature generous people – this is demonstrated by strong support for charities and a huge range of community groups making up our strong civil society, which makes this budget completely out of step with Australians’ own sense of responsibility to those less well off than us.”

The Budget papers reveal the total slashed from the aid budget over five years is now estimated at $7.6 billion.

The two-year freeze in the aid budget follows both sides of politics gutting the total aid budget and diverting aid funds to meet domestic asylum-seeker costs.

As a percentage of GNI, the foreign aid budget will decline from 0.33 per cent in the current financial year, to 0.29 per cent in 2017-18.

“Peace and prosperity across our region is in our country’s best interest and a well-targeted and effective aid program is an important contributor to this goal.

“Our overseas aid program delivers a stunning level of human benefit per dollar spent.”

Mr Costello said World Vision acknowledged the Government’s commitment to prioritising economic development, and welcomed recognition of the key role played by education, health and empowering women and girls, in enabling sustainable economic growth.

“Australia is well-placed to be a global leader in this year when we hold the G20 Presidency,” Mr Costello said. “It’s critical for our nation to embrace our global responsibilities and set other nations an example of good global citizenship.”

World Vision looks forward to the release of the Government’s aid policy statement, performance benchmarks and detailed country and sectoral funding breakdown, which will be crucial for meeting the Government’s commitment to delivering an effective and transparent aid program.

Media contact: Mary-Louise O’Callaghan – 0427 413 816 /