A Guiding Prayer for Anglican Church of Tasmania’s Synod 12,13 June 2015
Loving and Gracious God,
you ever call us to new life in Jesus your Son
in whose name we serve.
We acknowledge our need of you.
We confess that we have sinned,
in our thoughts, our words,
and our deeds of commission and omission.
Give us the gift of your Holy Spirit,
to inspire and lead us,
that, together, we may offer you worship and praise.
In the spirit of Christ’s love and grace,
help us to focus on the challenges before us,
to listen with humility and care,
to ask good questions and to listen,
and to encourage one another, even as we may disagree.
So bless our prayerful work
that many men and women, boys and girls
come to know and love Jesus
and grow as his missionary disciples.
To the glory of God the Father
through his Son Jesus Christ our Lord
and in the power of the Holy Spirit.